Leadership Microcredentials

LEAD@Oneonta is a comprehensive leadership program. It is designed to provide an opportunity for you to explore leadership in a manner that gives you great breadth while allowing you to focus on areas that matter to you.

Earning one or more LEAD@Oneonta microcredentials will help you prepare for success after college. The National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE), consistently ranks leadership and its related learning outcomes as a skill or competency that employers seek on resumes and when hiring. In its 2023 Job Outlook report, NACE states that when choosing between equally qualified candidates, those who have held a leadership position and have been involved in extracurricular activities matters more than the school they attended, their GPA and whether they studied abroad or were involved in volunteer work.

SUNY Oneonta offers three, stackable LEAD@Oneonta microcredentials that reflect three tiers of leadership achievement.

Credly Badge

This is the foundational level upon which the two higher levels are built. To earn this microcredential, you must:

  1. Complete the online Foundations of Leadership Core Competency Module (requires 80% correct to satisfy). This module covers seven LEADership Outcomes:
    • Leadership Theories
    • Difference between Leadership and Management
    • Positional vs Non-positional Leadership
    • Social Change Model of Leadership
    • Student Leadership Competency Guide
    • Mapping Leadership Cultures
    • Cross-Cultural and Global Leadership
  2. Attend 11 events assigned to one of the LEADership Outcomes listed above with a maximum of two per outcome.
  3. Attend one event assigned to the Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Outcome (the only one required at this level)
  4. Complete reflections on your involvement in at least two clubs and organizations
Credly Badge

The Applied Leadership microcredential builds upon the Silver level and stacks to the Platinum level. To earn this microcredential, you must:

  1. Complete the online Foundations of Leadership Core Competency Module (requires 80% correct to satisfy). This module covers seven LEADership Outcomes:
    • Leadership Theories
    • Difference between Leadership and Management
    • Positional vs Non-positional Leadership
    • Social Change Model of Leadership
    • Student Leadership Competency Guide
    • Mapping Leadership Cultures
    • Cross-Cultural and Global Leadership
  2. Complete the online Organization Development Core Competency Module (requires 80% correct to satisfy). This module covers:
    • Development of groups, organizations, and systems
    • Group Competencies
    • Organizational Competencies
    • Systems Competencies
  3. Complete the online Personal Development Core Competency Module (requires 80% correct to satisfy). This module covers:
    • Leadership Styles and Approaches
    • Seven Transformations of Leadership
    • Personal Leadership Plan Review
    • Leadership Skill Development (Action Programs, Successful Delegation and Motivating your Members)
    • Leadership Inventory
  4. Attend an additional eight events (for a total of 19) assigned one of the LEADership Outcomes listed above with a maximum of two per outcome.
  5. Attend an additional two events (for a total of three) assigned the Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Outcome (the only one required at this level and weighted higher than other outcomes)
  6. Complete reflections on your involvement in two additional clubs and organizations (for a total of four)
  7. Complete an Experiential LEADership Assessment (ELA) for a leadership position held for two semesters (or two ELAs for two different positions for one semester each – or summer if you are a Dragon Guide). The Experiential LEADership Assessment aligns with goals and achievements laid out in the Student Leader Competency Guide that students are given as part of the Foundations of Leadership module. The guide lays out examples of achievement in 17 learning domains:
    • Leadership Development
    • Assessment and Evaluation
    • Event Management
    • Meaningful Interpersonal Relationships
    • Collaboration
    • Social Responsibility
    • Effective Communication
    • Multicultural Competency
    • Intellectual Growth
    • Clarified Values
    • Enhanced Self Esteem
    • Realistic self-appraisal
    • Healthy Behavior and Satisfying Lifestyles
    • Interdependence
    • Spiritual Awareness
    • Personal and Educational Goals
    • Career Choices

You will be asked to complete 67 Likert-scale questions (three to four for each domain) rating your skill attainment from Strongly Disagree to Strongly Agree as well as providing examples, reflections and additional comments related to the competency.

Credly Badge

The Advanced Leadership microcredential is designed to recognize exceptionally involved student leaders. Only about .5% of SUNY Oneonta students attain this level. To earn this microcredential, you must:

  1. Complete the online Foundations of Leadership Core Competency Module (requires 80% correct to satisfy). This module covers seven LEADership Outcomes:
    • Leadership Theories
    • Difference between Leadership and Management
    • Positional vs Non-positional Leadership
    • Social Change Model of Leadership
    • Student Leadership Competency Guide
    • Mapping Leadership Cultures
    • Cross-Cultural and Global Leadership
  2. Complete the online Organization Development Core Competency Module (requires 80% correct to satisfy). This module covers:
    • Development of groups, organizations, and systems
    • Group Competencies
    • Organizational Competencies
    • Systems Competencies
  3. Complete the online Personal Development Core Competency Module (requires 80% correct to satisfy). This module covers:
    • Leadership Styles and Approaches
    • Seven Transformations of Leadership
    • Personal Leadership Plan Review
    • Leadership Skill Development (Action Programs, Successful Delegation and Motivating your Members)
    • Leadership Inventory
  4. Attend an additional eight events (for a total of 27) assigned to one of the LEADership Outcomes listed above with a maximum of two per outcome.
  5. Attend an additional two events (for a total of five) assigned the Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Outcome (the only one required at this level and weighted 2.5 higher than other outcomes)
  6. Complete reflections on your involvement in two additional clubs and organizations (for a total of six)
  7. Complete an Experiential LEADership Assessment (ELA) representing four additional semesters of leadership (for a total of six.) You may only count a maximum of two semesters of any particular position. The Experiential LEADership Assessment aligns with goals and achievements laid out in the Student Leader Competency Guide that students are given as part of the Foundations of Leadership module. The guide lays out examples of achievement in 17 learning domains:
    • Leadership Development
    • Assessment and Evaluation
    • Event Management
    • Meaningful Interpersonal Relationships
    • Collaboration
    • Social Responsibility
    • Effective Communication
    • Multicultural Competency
    • Intellectual Growth
    • Clarified Values
    • Enhanced Self Esteem
    • Realistic self-appraisal
    • Healthy Behavior and Satisfying Lifestyles
    • Interdependence
    • Spiritual Awareness
    • Personal and Educational Goals
    • Career Choices

You will be asked to complete 67 Likert-scale questions (three to four for each domain) rating your skill attainment from Strongly Disagree to Strongly Agree, as well as providing examples, reflections and additional comments related to the competency.


Enrolled students

Instruction method


Time to complete

  • Silver: 2 semesters
  • Gold: 2 semesters
  • Platinum: 2 semesters




How to Apply

The microcredential application for enrolled students is in ONE.stop Forms, which can be accessed through myOneonta.

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