These listservs provide a service where members post questions, responses, and discussion of materials related to the listserv(s) to which you are subscribing. New subscribers should keep in mind that joining a listserv means that you will be receiving ALL of these messages as they are posted. Please be prepared for an increase in the volume of email that you receive when joining a listserv. Also, anti-spamming software and/or settings on your email service provider will adversely affect your subscription to OMNI listservs. We thank you for your interest, and your participation, in OMNI. Look below the subscription form for information on the Math listserv from AMTNYS.
- EnviSciHabitat - This listserv provides a forum for discussion and professional support of science teachers engaged in teaching courses in Environmental Science, including, but not limited to AP Environmental Science (APES).
- SUNY-Oneonta-NSTA-Science-Matters - This listserv is operated by SUNY Oneonta as a courtesy to the National Science Teachers Association (NSTA). This listserv is a conduit for information for the NSTA Points of Contact (PoCs).
- SedGeoNet - This listserv promotes communication among sedimentary geologists. SedGeoNet was created as a result of the EarthCube Workshop for Sedimentary Geology held at the University of Utah, March 25-26, 2013. Currently hosted by the Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences at the State University of New York – Oneonta, eventually SedGeoNet will be migrated to and hosted by the STEPPE coalition: Sedimentary Geology, Time, Environment, Paleontology, Paleoclimatology, and Energy.
- Esprit - This listserv provides a forum for discussion and professional support of teachers of Earth Science. This is an especially active list with subscribers from all across the United States.
- BioForum - This listserv provides a forum for discussion and professional support of science teachers engaged in teaching New York's Commencement Level Living Environment Core Curriculum.
- 5-8Science - This listserv provides a forum for discussion and professional support of middle level science teachers engaged in teaching New York's Intermediate (5-8) Science Core Curriculum.
- Ophun-L - This listserv provides a forum for discussion and professional support of science teachers engaged in teaching New York's Commencement Level Physical Setting: Physics Core Curriculum.
- Nestling - This listserv provides professional support for teachers of K-4 science. NESTLING stands for Nurturing Elementary Science Teaching. Mentoring is available from veteran science teachers.
- ChemBond - This listserv provides a forum for discussion and professional support for science teachers engaged in teaching in New York's Commencement Level Physical Setting: Chemistry Core Curriculum.
- Mathematics Listserv - AMTNYS operates discussion forums for Mathematics teachers.
Listserv Archives - To access the archives for any of the listservs, visit the archives page. For example, to access the ESPRIT archives, go to
To SUBSCRIBE to a listserv:
- Create a new email message addressed to from the email account you wish the list to use with the following in the body
SUBSCRIBE listname ANONYMOUS or SUBSCRIBE listname Full_Name
example: SUBSCRIBE ESPRIT Joe Smith
- You will get a confirmation email. *Check your junk mail!
To UNSUBSCRIBE from a listserv:
- Create a new email message addressed to from the email account you are subscribed under with the following in the body:
SIGNOFF listname
- You will get a confirmation email. *Check your junk mail!
Earth Science Comments or Questions: Dr. James R. Ebert
Technical Support: Diana Moseman