NYS Coaching Certification Preparation Microcredential

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Are you interested in coaching an athletic team in New York State? SUNY Oneonta’s NYS Coaching Certification Preparation microcredential is the place to start.

Anyone looking to coach an athletic team in New York State must meet certain minimum requirements as set forth by the Regulations of the Commissioner of Education. This includes all head coaches and assistants for varsity, junior varsity, freshman and junior high (modified) teams of public schools.

This 11-credit microcredential will give you everything you need to fulfill New York’s coaching requirements and be eligible to coach students in K-12 settings. (Even if you are not seeking NYS eligibility, these classes will give you a solid foundation to be able to effectively coach at any level, including youth sports and collegiate.)

Upon successful completion of this program, you will come away with:

  • organizational and time management skills
  • in-depth understanding and experience of high school sports contexts
  • knowledge of fundamental skills and advanced tactics related to sport-specific demands
  • effective communication skills, especially in instructing young people
  • understanding of student dynamics and commitment to the school community

Required Coursework

The three NYS required classes, plus a First Aid/CPR certification, will satisfy NYS educational course requirements. When you complete the microcredential, you will be eligible for NYS certification once you satisfy the non-curricular requirements.

  • SPMT 2320 - Philosophy, Principles and Organization of Athletics in Education
  • SPMT 2340 - Theory and Techniques of Coaching
  • SPMT 3320 - Health Science Applied to Coaching
  • EXSC 1110 - CPR Certification (can be fulfilled through documentation of a current First Aid/CPR certification)

Note: NYS also requires fingerprinting, Child Abuse identification and Reporting and School Violence Prevention and Intervention Workshops, and ongoing concussion training courses. These are typically fulfilled through the school district and not part of this microcredential.



Instruction method


Time to complete

1-2 semesters


11 credits

Stackable to degree


Estimated Cost

NYS resident = $4,030
Non-resident = $8,800


Ready to apply? I am a...

Non-degree student

To be eligible to take courses as a non-degree student, you must:

  • have graduated high school or passed the GED/TASC; or
  • have a cumulative average of a 2.0 from the last college attended.

If you have been dismissed from SUNY Oneonta, you are not eligible to take courses as a non-degree student.

Application Steps

To apply for this microcredential, please complete the online Microcredential Application and submit the following documentation, as decisions will not be made until all materials have been received:

  • official HSED or GED score report/completion certificate, or
  • official high school transcript including graduation date or showing award of diploma, or
  • official transcripts from all post-secondary institutions attended.

Application Deadlines

  • fall term - second Wednesday of August
  • spring term - second Wednesday of December

Minimum GPA

You must maintain a 2.0 grade point average to be eligible to continue enrollment.

Code of Conduct

All microcredential and non-degree students are bound by the rules, policies and regulations outlined in SUNY Oneonta's Code of Student Conduct.

Microcredential Application

I'm not ready to apply, but I would like more information

Complete our Request Information form or reach out to us:

Contact Us

Learn more about the Extended and Community Learning Center by emailing excl@oneonta.edu or contacting us at one of our two locations.

Hunt Union

SUNY Oneonta Campus location
215 Hunt Union
Phone: 607-436-2548
Fax: (607) 436-2692
Office hours: Monday - Friday, 9 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

ExCL Center at 4 Dietz Street, Oneonta, NY

Downtown Oneonta location
4 Dietz St
Phone: 607-436-2831
Office hours: Monday - Friday, 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.

Current Student

The microcredential application for enrolled students is in ONE.stop Forms, which can be accessed through myOneonta.

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