Information for Current Literacy Education Students

New program beginning summer 2025

We have a new master’s program that will certify you as a literacy teacher across all grades (PreK-12). This new program is the result of a change in NY state regulations; NYSED will not issue grade-banded (Birth-Grade 6 or Grades 5-12) literacy certificates after September 1, 2027. Students may officially enter this new program beginning in summer 2025 – but if you intend to do so, we urge you to plan your coursework now in consultation with your advisor. We have anticipated a few of the questions that you might have and have listed them below for you to review. If you have further questions after you have studied the information below, please contact your advisor for an appointment to discuss your questions.

Although the new program has been approved by the NY State Education Department, we cannot officially enroll students until the program has been published in the catalog, which will be in summer 2025. However, we are sharing this information in advance for any students who wish to plan their coursework to align with the new program when it becomes available for enrollment in summer 2025.

If you wish to remain in your current program, we will continue to offer courses that will allow you to graduate (through Summer 2027). If you wish to obtain an all-grades literacy certificate, you will have the option to either (a) change your major into the new all-grades program in summer 2025; or (b) graduate from your current program and apply for an all-grades certificate from the New York State Education Department, through the Individual Evaluation Pathway.

Beginning in summer 2025, if you are certain that you wish to change to the all-grades program, you may switch by emailing your request to the Department Chair, Dr. Leanne Avery ( Be aware, though, that you will not be permitted to change back into your current program.

In your TEACH account [see the OEPS guidance], you will need to apply through the Individual Evaluation Pathway and have your coursework evaluated for alignment with the all-grades certificate. One of the requirements is a university-supervised literacy practicum within two grade ranges: (a) Pre-K through Grade 4; and (b) Grades 5-12. One way to document this experience could be with your signed field-experience forms that you submitted in your literacy practicum courses at Oneonta.

We recommend considering whether your current program or the new all-grades program best fits your marketability/employability and your career goals overall. We suggest that you have conversations with trusted mentors who can help advise you on how each of these options might affect your career potential.

For individuals seeking a position as a literacy specialist or reading teacher, we believe the all-grades certification will enhance your appeal to potential employers.

An all-grades literacy certificate allows you to be a literacy specialist/reading teacher for all grades (PreK through Grade 12); it does not permit you to teach grade levels, as a classroom teacher, that you are not already certified to teach. For example, you would not be certified to teach Kindergarten unless you also carry an Early Childhood certification.

General Frequently Asked Questions

If you were accepted with conditions, the department will allow you to take courses in your first semester. Then, a hold will be placed on your account preventing you from being registered for any future courses. After you submit your outstanding application materials to the Graduate Admissions Office, the hold will be lifted and you can continue to follow your plan of study. Materials can be submitted through the applicant status page.

The program leads to initial literacy certification. Besides completing the coursework for the program, students must also pass the NYS CST in Literacy.

The program may also lead to a professional certificate. Contact your local BOCES/State Education/DOE certification officer with your transcripts and questions. The department cannot advise on certification requirements.

It has been our experience that if you have a Master's in Education all you need for literacy certification is to take a few additional courses and pass the NYS Literacy CST.

Contact your local BOCES/State Education/DOE certification officer with your transcripts and questions. The department cannot advise on certification requirements.

Typically, students take EDUC 5450/5460 Content Literacy, and our two practicum courses (EDUC 6360 and 6410/6450), in the order listed. Additional questions about the practicums can be emailed to Dr. Barbara Vokatis, the Clinic Coordinator.

Registration depends on availability. Sometimes, these courses will fill up. After talking with a certification officer for confirmation, go online to SUNY Oneonta’s Extended and Community Learning Center and complete the online non-matriculated student application. Department permission will also be required.

After submitting the required paperwork and obtaining permission from the department, students will be added to a waitlist. If there is space after all degree seeking students have registered, students will be enrolled with permission for the approved course(s).

Course offerings and certification tips can be found online.

Non-matriculated students are not permitted to matriculate into our Literacy B-6 or 5-12 programs.

Additional questions about taking non-matriculated courses can be emailed to Dr. Sasha R. Ramlal.

SUNY Oneonta created the first online literacy program in the state. We continue to implement innovative practices to bring quality education to you in an online, asynchronous format.


The literacy program uses Brightspace for the day-to-day coursework. This allows students to asynchronously complete required coursework in a way that promotes quality peer and instructor interaction. In addition to the asynchronous work, students have the option of collaborating with instructors in the following ways:

  • Email
  • Telephone conferences
  • Chatrooms
  • Video conference calls

Technology Requirements

  • PC-based Computer or Intel-Based Apple Computer (required)
  • Screen/Video Capture Software/Tool (required)
  • Scanner (recommended)
  • Printer (recommended)

Sample Plans of Study (All Grades)

Option 1: 3 semesters

Summer 1

  1. EDUC 5840
  2. EDUC 6310
  3. EDUC 5350
  4. EDUC 5450

Fall 1

  1. EDUC 6296
  2. EDUC 6360
  3. EDUC 6221

Spring 1

  1. EDUC 6410
  2. EDUC 6220
  3. EDUC 6340

Option 2: 5 semesters

Summer 1

  1. EDUC 5840
  2. EDUC 6310

Summer 2

  1. EDUC 6340
  2. EDUC 5450

Fall 1

  1. EDUC 6221
  2. EDUC 6296

Fall 2

  1. EDUC 6410
  2. EDUC 5350

Spring 1

  1. EDUC 6360
  2. EDUC 6220

Option 3: 6 semesters

Summer 1

  1. EDUC 5840
  2. EDUC 6310

Summer 2

  1. EDUC 6340
  2. EDUC 5450

Fall 1

  1. EDUC 6221
  2. EDUC 6296

Fall 2

  1. EDUC 5350

Spring 1

  1. EDUC 6360
  2. EDUC 6220

Spring 2

  1. EDUC 6410

Option 4: 7 semesters

Summer 1

  1. EDUC 5840

Summer 2

  1. EDUC 5450
  2. EDUC 6221

Summer 3

  1. EDUC 5350

Fall 1

  1. EDUC 6296
  2. EDUC 6310

Fall 2

  1. EDUC 6410

Spring 1

  1. EDUC 6360
  2. EDUC 6220

Spring 2

  1. EDUC 6340

Option 5: 8 semesters

Summer 1

  1. EDUC 5840

Summer 2

  1. EDUC 5450

Summer 3

  1. EDUC 6340

Fall 1

  1. EDUC 6296
  2. EDUC 6310

Fall 2

  1. EDUC 5350

Fall 3

  1. EDUC 6221

Spring 1

  1. EDUC 6360
  2. EDUC 6220

Spring 2

  1. EDUC 6410

Option 1: 3 semesters

Fall 1

  1. EDUC 5840
  2. EDUC 6360
  3. EDUC 6310

Spring 1

  1. EDUC 6410
  2. EDUC 6296
  3. EDUC 6340

Summer 1

  1. EDUC 5350
  2. EDUC 5450
  3. EDUC 6221
  4. EDUC 6220

Option 2: 5 semesters

Fall 1

  1. EDUC 5840
  2. EDUC 6310

Fall 2

  1. EDUC 6360
  2. EDUC 5350

Spring 1

  1. EDUC 6220
  2. EDUC 6296

Spring 2

  1. EDUC 6410
  2. EDUC 6340

Summer 1

  1. EDUC 6221
  2. EDUC 5450

Option 3: 6 semesters

Fall 1

  1. EDUC 5840
  2. EDUC 6310

Fall 2

  1. EDUC 6360
  2. EDUC 5350

Spring 1

  1. EDUC 6220
  2. EDUC 6296

Spring 2

  1. EDUC 6410

Summer 1

  1. EDUC 6221
  2. EDUC 5450

Summer 2

  1. EDUC 6340

Option 4: 7 semesters

Fall 1

  1. EDUC 5840
  2. EDUC 6310

Fall 2

  1. EDUC 6360
  2. EDUC 5350

Fall 3

  1. EDUC 6410

Spring 1

  1. EDUC 6220

Spring 2

  1. EDUC 6296

Summer 1

  1. EDUC 6221
  2. EDUC 5450

Summer 2

  1. EDUC 6340

Option 5: 8 semesters

Fall 1

  1. EDUC 5840
  2. EDUC 6310

Fall 2

  1. EDUC 6360

Fall 3

  1. EDUC 6410

Spring 1

  1. EDUC 6296

Spring 2

  1. EDUC 6220

Spring 3

  1. EDUC 6340

Summer 1

  1. EDUC 6221
  2. EDUC 5450

Summer 2

  1. EDUC 5350

Option 1: 3 semesters

Spring 1

  1. EDUC 5840
  2. EDUC 6360
  3. EDUC 6340

Summer 1

  1. EDUC 6221
  2. EDUC 6310
  3. EDUC 6220
  4. EDUC 5350

Fall 1

  1. EDUC 5450
  2. EDUC 6296
  3. EDUC 6410

Option 2: 5 semesters

Spring 1

  1. EDUC 5840
  2. EDUC 6296

Spring 2

  1. EDUC 6220
  2. EDUC 6410

Summer 1

  1. EDUC 6221
  2. EDUC 5450

Summer 2

  1. EDUC 5350
  2. EDUC 6340

Fall 1

  1. EDUC 6310
  2. EDUC 6360

Option 3: 6 semesters

Spring 1

  1. EDUC 5840
  2. EDUC 6296

Spring 2

  1. EDUC 6220
  2. EDUC 6410

Summer 1

  1. EDUC 5350
  2. EDUC 5450

Summer 2

  1. EDUC 6340

Fall 1

  1. EDUC 6310
  2. EDUC 6360

Fall 2

  1. EDUC 6221

Option 4: 7 semesters

Spring 1

  1. EDUC 5840

Spring 2

  1. EDUC 6220

Spring 3

  1. EDUC 6360

Summer 1

  1. EDUC 6221
  2. EDUC 6310

Summer 2

  1. EDUC 6340
  2. EDUC 5350

Fall 1

  1. EDUC 6296
  2. EDUC 5450

Fall 2

  1. EDUC 6410

Option 5: 8 semesters

Spring 1

  1. EDUC 5840

Spring 2

  1. EDUC 6410
  2. EDUC 6220

Spring 3

  1. EDUC 6360

Summer 1

  1. EDUC 5450
  2. EDUC 6310

Summer 2

  1. EDUC 5350

Summer 3

  1. EDUC 6340

Fall 1

  1. EDUC 6296

Fall 2

  1. EDUC 6221

Sample Plans of Study (B-6 and 5-12 Options)

Full-Time Student (Start in Summer)


  1. EDUC 5840/5230
  2. EDUC 5450/5046
  3. EDUC 5350/ENED 5360
  4. EDUC 6310


  1. EDUC 6340
  2. EDUC 6360
  3. EDUC 6055


  1. EDUC 6410/6450
  2. EDUC 6950
  3. Elective Option

Part-Time Student, Option 1 (Start in Summer)

Summer 1

  1. EDUC 5840/5230
  2. EDUC 5450/5046

Fall 1

  1. EDUC 6340

Spring 1

  1. Elective Option

Summer 2

  1. EDUC 5350/ENED 5360
  2. EDUC 6310

Fall 2

  1. EDUC 6360
  2. EDUC 6055

Spring 2

  1. EDUC 6410/6450
  2. EDUC 6950

Part-Time Student, Option 2 (Start in Summer)

Summer 1

  1. EDUC 5840/5230
  2. EDUC 5450/5046

Fall 1

  1. EDUC 6340

Spring 1

  1. Elective Option

Summer 2

  1. EDUC 5350/ENED 5360
  2. EDUC 6310

Fall 2

  1. EDUC 6360

Spring 2

  1. EDUC 6410/6450

Summer 3


Fall 3

  1. EDUC 6055

Spring 3

  1. EDUC 6950

Important notes:

  • Students that start in the summer have the option of enrolling full-time and completing the program in three semesters
  • There are two part-time options for students that start the program in the summer.
  • Taking only one class per semester may have an impact on your financial aid.

Part-Time Student, Option 1 (Start in Fall)

Fall 1

  1. EDUC 5840/5230

Spring 1

  1. Elective Option

Summer 1

  1. EDUC 5350/ENED 5360
  2. EDUC 5450/5046
  3. EDUC 6310

Fall 2

  1. EDUC 6340
  2. EDUC 6360
  3. EDUC 6055

Spring 2

  1. EDUC 6410/6450
  2. EDUC 6950

Part-Time Student, Option 2 (Start in Fall)

Fall 1

  1. EDUC 5840/5230

Spring 1

  1. Elective Option

Summer 1

  1. EDUC 5450/5046
  2. EDUC 6310

Fall 2

  1. EDUC 6340
  2. EDUC 6360

Spring 2

  1. EDUC 6410/6450

Summer 2

  1. EDUC 5350/ENED 5360

Fall 3

  1. EDUC 6055

Spring 3

  1. EDUC 6950

Important notes:

  • There is no full-time option for students that start the program in the fall.
  • There are two part-time options for students that start the program in the fall.
  • Taking only one class per semester may have an impact on your financial aid.

Part-Time Student, Option 1 (Start in Spring)

Spring 1

  1. EDUC 5840/5230

Summer 1

  1. EDUC 5350/ENED 5360
  2. EDUC 5450/5046
  3. EDUC 6310

Fall 1

  1. EDUC 6340
  2. EDUC 6360
  3. EDUC 6055

Spring 2

  1. EDUC 6410/6450
  2. EDUC 6950
  3. Elective Option

Part-Time Student, Option 2 (Start in Spring)

Spring 1

  1. EDUC 5840/5230

Summer 1

  1. EDUC 5450/5046
  2. EDUC 6310

Fall 1

  1. EDUC 6340
  2. EDUC 6360

Spring 2

  1. EDUC 6410/6450
  2. Elective Option

Summer 2

  1. EDUC 5350/ENED 5360

Fall 2

  1. EDUC 6055

Spring 3

  1. EDUC 6950

Important notes:

  • There is no full-time option for students that start the program in the spring.
  • There are two part-time options for students that start the program in the spring.
  • Taking only one class per semester may have an impact on your financial aid.

New Student Handbook


Welcome! Thank you for choosing SUNY Oneonta for your graduate studies!


This handbook contains information about procedures and requirements to assist new literacy graduate students in the School of Elementary Education and Reading. It should be used as a supplement to the Graduate Catalog, the Schedule of Classes, the Graduate Studies webpage, the Department webpage, and other official publications/webpages of SUNY Oneonta.

It must be remembered, however, that programs, courses, and requirements do not remain static. They are frequently modified, hence official publications and this Handbook may lag slightly behind recent course revisions. It is essential that students maintain frequent and close contact with their advisors to ensure that all requirements are met.

The final responsibility for pursuing a successful graduate program, organizing and concluding its many parts, remains with each student. Each student has the primary responsibility for being aware of, and satisfying, the requirements and policies of his/her program. Students are encouraged to seek advice from their advisors, program coordinator, department chair and professors. Ultimately, the student is responsible for navigating a successful program schedule to the award of his/her degree.



  • After you have been accepted, please pay your deposit. Check with the Graduate Office if you need help with paying the deposit.
  • Then, set up your Oneonta email account. Check with IT if you need help setting it up.
  • Reach out to the Graduate Program Coordinator to determine your plan of study before registering for your courses:


Sign up to attend Brightspace Training. This is recommended for students that are new to Brightspace or need to review the components of Brightspace. Here are the steps to follow:

  • Log into your Oneonta account.
  • Click on the ‘D2L Brightspace’ link (under the link to your email).
  • Look for the ‘Student Introduction to Brightspace @ SUNY Oneonta’ link under ‘My Courses.’

Contact IT too if you need help.


Read the current Graduate Catalog. It is your responsibility to understand all the policies and procedures detailed the catalog before your first day of class.


Read what will be required of you when you take the Practicum Courses (e.g., 636, 641/645). Reach out to Dr. Barb Vokatis, Clinic Coordinator, with questions:


You will go through initial advising with the Program Coordinator, Dr. Sasha R. Ramlal. Then, you will be directed to your advisor for any questions that arise. Here are the advisors for the program:


After the start of your first semester, check your Degreeworks page. If the ‘DASA Training Completed’ component is not checked off and you have already completed your DASA training, contact the Registrar’s Office to inquire how you submit proof of completion.

If the ‘DASA Training Completed’ component is not checked of and you have not already completed your DASA training, you need to locate a site to complete your training. Then, submit proof of completion of the training to the Registrar’s Office.

You must ensure that the ‘DASA Training Completed’ component is checked off on your Degreeworks page prior to applying for graduation.


Reach out to your academic advisor if you have courses that need to be transferred into the program and they were not discussed during your initial advisement with the Program Coordinator.

See the policy in the ‘Graduate Admission’ section of the current Graduate Catalog.


You will receive a time ticket with it is time to register for courses.

Watch this video to help with registering for courses: SUNY Oneonta Course Registration

Use this link to search for courses and locate the CRN number: Web Services


Read the section under ‘Graduation’ in the current Graduate Catalog. Check to see that all the boxes are checked off on your Degreeworks page prior to applying for graduation.

File a graduation application with the Registrar’s Office. Graduation applications can be emailed (from your email account) to, mailed, or faxed. A graduation application fee of $5.00 will be charged to your student bill, when you submit your diploma

If you will be applying for your Professional or Initial Teaching Certification, and you would like SUNY Oneonta to send your academic credentials to the State Education Department for a certification recommendation, please complete the Information Release Form and return it, along with your graduation application, to the Registrar’s Office. The form can be emailed (from your email account) to, mailed, or faxed.

If you have questions regarding the application process, please contact the Registrar’s Office.


Financial Aid
Check with Financial Aid about applying for aid and for questions about cost per credit.

Office of Student Accounts
Check with Student Accounts for questions about your bill, such as receiving/paying your bill.

Registrar’s Office
Check with the Registrar’s Office for questions about registering for classes.

Information Technology Services
Check with IT to obtain your login information or for technology support.

Graduate Admissions Office
Check with Graduate Admissions for questions about the application or submitting outstanding materials. Check application status and/or submit materials

More resources for current graduate students

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