Spring 2025
Date(s) | Day(s) | Description |
January 19-21 | Sunday-Tuesday | New Student Arrival & Orientation |
January 22 | Wednesday | Classes Begin |
March 7 | Friday | University Closes After Last Class |
March 17 | Monday | Classes Resume |
May 7 | Wednesday | Study Day |
May 8-14 | Thursday-Wednesday | Finals Week |
May 17 | Saturday | Commencement |
May 10, 11, 15 | Saturday, Sunday, Wednesday | Dates reserved for campus-wide final exam rescheduling, as determined by the President's Office or designee. |
Course TERM | Full Semester | 1st Half | 2nd Half | 1st Mini | 2nd Mini | 3rd Mini |
Start DATE | January 22 | January 22 | March 24 | January 22 | February 26 | April 9 |
Last Day to Add without Signatures [1] | January 28 | January 21 | March 21 | January 21 | February 25 | April 8 |
Schedule Adjustment [2] and Elect Pass/Fail | January 28 | January 28 |
March 27 |
January 28 | Day following 2nd Class | Day following 2nd Class |
Last Day to ADD [3] | February 4 | February 4 | Day following 3rd Class | Day following 3rd Class | Day following 3rd Class | Day following 3rd Class |
Last Day to DROP with “W” [4] |
April 8 |
February 25 | April 25 | February 13 |
March 27 |
May 1 |
P/F change to Letter | April 8 | February 25 | April 25 | February 13 |
March 27 |
May 1 |
End DATE | May 14 | March 21 | May 14 | February 25 | April 8 | May 14 |
[1] Signatures are required to add a course after this date.
[2] After these dates, late fees apply ($20.00) for all schedule changes and “W” grades are assigned for drops.
[3] You MUST be registered in courses by this date in order to receive credit and grades.
[4] For Withdrawal from the University, go to the Student Affairs Office, Netzer Administration Building 119.
Spring 2025 Details by Month
19-21 Sunday-Tuesday: New Student arrival and orientation.
21 Tuesday: Last day to register. Any student who has not registered by this date will be assessed a $40 Late Registration Fee.
22 Wednesday: Classes Begin
- Add/Drop begins online and in the Registrar’s Office (Netzer 130).
28 Tuesday: **ADD/DROP Ends**
- After this date, all schedule adjustments (add/drop) for full semester courses will result in a $20 late fee.
- “W” grades are assigned for dropping a full semester course after this date.
- After this date, all Individual Course Enrollment, Independent Study, Internship, and Teaching Assistantship forms (3 s.h. or more) will result in a $20 late fee.
- Last day for students with part-time enrollment to drop a course with no tuition liability.
- You MUST be registered in a course by this date to receive credit and grades. See chart above for mini and half-semester ADD/DROP deadlines.
19 Wednesday: TAP Certification begins. Students receiving TAP awards must be in full-time DAC (12 s.h. or more of Degree Applicable Credit) to be eligible for TAP. Failure to enroll in full-time DAC will result in the loss of the award.
21 Friday: Semester bill - second Installment Plan payment due.
3 Monday: Summer session registration begins.
7 Friday: University closes after last class.
17 Monday: Classes resume.
21 Friday: Semester bill - third and final Installment Plan payment due.
25 Tuesday: Interim Progress Reports due from faculty.
1 Tuesday: Students graduating in May or August 2025 must file a Diploma/Certificate Application and related application fee in the Registrar’s Office.
- Last day to drop a full semester course.
9 Wednesday: After this date, all Individual Course Enrollment, Independent Study, Internship, and Teaching Assistantship forms (less than 3 s.h.) will result in a $20 late fee.
14 Monday:
- Beginning date for Fall 2025 pre-enrollment.
- Last day for students to make up Incomplete and Pending Grades from Fall 2024 and Winter 2025 or to file the Extension of Time Form.
24 Thursday: Last day to withdraw or take a leave of absence from the University. After this date, students must complete all coursework.
28 Monday: Last day for faculty to turn in grades for previously assigned Incomplete and Pending Grades or to file the Extension of Time Form.
6 Tuesday: Last day of regular class schedule.
7 Wednesday: **STUDY DAY, NO CLASSES**
8-14 Thursday through Wednesday: Finals Week. See final exam schedule below.
17 Saturday: Commencement
Adding/Dropping Full Semester Courses Online
Add full semester courses online from Jan. 22 at 8 a.m. until Jan. 28 at midnight.
No signatures required for course drops/withdrawals. These can be processed online until the withdrawal dates for each part of term.
No signatures required for course adds from Jan. 22-28, UNLESS:
- The course is a First Mini or Half Semester Course.
- The course requires department or instructor approval.
- The course is reserved for students in a designated major.
- You have not met the course prerequisite.
- You have a time conflict.
Students with any of the above problems MUST process add/drops via the Registrar's Office. All schedule adjustments for full semester courses made after Jan. 28 at midnight require the instructor’s permission.
Note: An instructor adding a name to or deleting a student name from a roster does NOT CONSTITUTE an official add or drop. Students are academically responsible for making all schedule adjustments either on the web or via the Registrar’s Office. Students should always check their schedules carefully.
During the last week of the semester, day classes will meet for 2 1/2 hour periods according to the schedule below. These periods are to be used for instruction and/or examination.
Thursday |
Friday |
Monday |
Tuesday |
Wednesday |
8-10:30 a.m. | 8:30 Tu Th | 8 MWF | 9 MWF | 10 Tu Th | 10 MWF |
11 a.m.-1:30 p.m. | 11:30 Tu Th | 11 MWF | 12 MWF | 1 Tu Th | 1 MWF |
2-4:30 p.m. | 2:30 Tu Th | 2 MWF | 4 MW | 4 Tu Th | — |
Note: All one-day-a-week evening classes (starting at 5 p.m. or later only) will meet at their regularly scheduled times.
Instructions for determining when your final exam is scheduled:
- Final exam times are determined by the meeting time of your class. For example, if your class meets 10 Tu Th your final exam will be on Tuesday, May 13 from 8-10:30 a.m. Courses with labs are scheduled based on the lecture time of the course.
- Courses which do not follow a standard time pattern are scheduled based on the initial schedule time of the course. For example, a course which is scheduled to meet at 2 on WThF has an initial meeting time of 2W. The only 2W on the chart is on Friday, May 9. Therefore, the final for a course which meets 2 WThF is scheduled for Friday, May 9 from 2-4:30 p.m.
- Final Exams for in-person classes are held in regularly assigned rooms.
Students should consult the Finals Week Schedule to avoid enrolling in courses which would cause them to have multiple examinations on the same day.
Return to campus - Move in: January 19-21
Residence Halls Close - Spring Break: March 7 - March 17 (only break housing students – Break Housing is in Macduff and Hulbert).
Final Exams - May 8-14 *students should plan to leave 24 hours after their last final exam as per the housing license. Only graduating seniors may stay in housing May 15-17.
Summer 2025 Schedule
Short Term 1 (3 weeks): May 19 - June 6
Session 1 (5 weeks): May 27 - June 27
Session 2 (5 weeks): July 7 - August 8
7 Week Session: June 23 - August 8
Full term: May 19 - August 8
Fall 2025
Date(s) | Day(s) | Description |
August 20-23 | Wednesday-Saturday | New Student Arrival & Orientation |
August 25 | Monday | Classes Begin |
August 29 | Friday | University Closes After Last Class |
September 2 | Tuesday | Classes Resume |
October 16 | Thursday | University Closes After Last Class |
October 20 | Monday | Classes Resume |
November 25 | Tuesday | University Closes After Last Class |
December 1 | Monday | Classes Resume |
December 2 | Tuesday | Follow a Friday class schedule |
December 7 | Sunday | Commencement |
December 8-12 | Monday-Friday | Finals Week |
December 13-14 | Saturday-Sunday | Dates reserved for campus-wide final exam rescheduling, as determined by the President's Office or designee |
Course TERM | Full Semester | 1st Half | 2nd Half | 1st Mini | 2nd Mini | 3rd Mini |
Start DATE | August 25 | August 25 | October 20 | August 25 | September 30 | November 5 |
Last Day to Add without Signatures [1] | August 31 | August 24 | October 19 | August 24 | September 29 | November 4 |
Schedule Adjustment [2] and Elect Pass/Fail | August 31 | August 31 | October 23 | August 31 | Day following 2nd Class | Day following 2nd Class |
Last Day to ADD [3] | September 8 | September 8 | Day following 3rd Class | Day following 3rd Class | Day following 3rd Class | Day following 3rd Class |
Last Day to DROP with “W” [4] | November 4 | September 29 | November 21 | September 17 | October 23 | December 2 |
P/F change to Letter | November 4 | September 29 | November 21 | September 17 | October 23 | December 2 |
End DATE | December 12 | October 16 | December 12 | September 29 | November 4 | December 12 |
[1] Signatures are required to add a course after this date.
[2] After these dates, late fees apply ($20.00) for all schedule changes and “W” grades are assigned for drops.
[3] You MUST be registered in courses by this date in order to receive credit and grades.
[4] For Withdrawal from the university, go to the Student Affairs Office, Netzer Administration Building 119.
Fall 2025 Details by Month
20-23 Wednesday-Saturday: New student arrival and orientation.
24 Sunday: Last day to register. Any student who has not registered by this date at 3:00pm will be assessed a $40 Late Registration Fee.
25 Monday: Classes begin.
- Add/Drop begins online and in the Registrar’s Office.
31 Sunday: **ADD/DROP ENDS**
- After this date, all schedule adjustments (add/drop) for full semester courses will result in a $20 late fee.
- “W” grades are assigned for dropping full semester courses after this date.
- After this date, all Individual Course Enrollment, Independent Study, Internship, and Teaching Assistantship forms (3 s.h. or more) will result in a $20 late fee.
- Last day for students with part-time enrollment to drop a course with no tuition liability.
1 Monday: Labor Day - no classes, administrative offices closed.
2 Tuesday: Classes resume.
- You MUST be registered in a course by this date to receive credit and grades. See chart above for mini and half-semester ADD/DROP deadlines.
21 Sunday: Semester bill - second Installment Plan payment due.
22 Monday:
- TAP Certification begins. Students receiving TAP awards must be in full-time DAC (12 s.h. or more of Degree Applicable Credit) to be eligible for TAP. Failure to enroll in full-time DAC will result in the loss of the award.
16 Thursday: University closes after last class.
20 Monday: Classes resume. Interim Progress Reports due from faculty.
21 Tuesday: Semester bill - third and final Installment Plan payment due.
3 Monday: Beginning date for Winter 2026 pre-enrollment. December 2025 Diploma/Certificate Application and related application fee due in the Registrar’s Office.
- Last day to drop a full semester course.
5 Thursday: After this date, all Individual Course Enrollment, Independent Study, Internship, and Teaching Assistantship forms (less than 3 s.h.) will result in a $20 late fee.
12 Wednesday:
- Last day for students to make up Incomplete and Pending Grades from Spring and Summer 2025 or to file the Extension of Time Form.
17 Monday: Beginning date for Spring 2026 pre-enrollment.
24 Monday: Last day to withdraw or take a leave of absence from the University. After this date, students must complete all coursework.
25 Tuesday: University closes after last class.
26 Wednesday: Last day for faculty to turn in grades for previously assigned Incomplete and Pending Grades or to file an Extension of Time Form.
1 Monday: Classes resume.
5 Friday: Last day of regular class schedule.
8-12 Monday through Tuesday: Finals Week (See final exam schedule below)
Adding/Dropping Full Semester Courses Online
Add Full Semester Courses online from August 25 8:00 a.m. until August 31 at midnight.
No signatures required for course drops/withdrawals. These can be processed online until the withdrawal dates for each part of term.
No signatures required for course adds from August 25- August 31, UNLESS:
- The course is a First Mini or Half Semester Course.
- The course requires department or instructor approval.
- The course is reserved for students in a designated major.
- You have not met the course prerequisite.
- You have a time conflict.
Students with any of the above problems MUST process add/drops via the Registrar's Office. All schedule adjustments for full semester courses made after August 31 at midnight require the instructor’s permission.
Note: An instructor adding a name to or deleting a student name from a roster does NOT CONSTITUTE an official add or drop. Students are academically responsible for making all schedule adjustments either on the web or via the Registrar’s Office. Students should always check their schedules carefully.
During the last week of the semester, day classes will meet for 2 1/2 hour periods according to the schedule below. These periods are to be used for instruction and/or examination.
DATE AND TIME | Monday December 8 |
Tuesday December 9 |
Wednesday December 10 |
Thursday December 11 |
Friday December 12 |
8:00 A.M.–10:30 a.m. | 8 MWF | 8:30 Tu Th | 9 MWF | 10 Tu Th | 10 MWF |
11:00 a.m.–1:30 p.m. | 11 MWF | 11:30 Tu Th | 12 MWF | 1 Tu Th | 1 MWF |
2:00 p.m.–4:30 p.m. | 2 MWF | 2:30 Tu Th | 4 MW | 4 Tu Th | -- |
Note: All one-day-a-week evening classes (starting at 5 p.m. or later only) will meet at their regularly scheduled times.
Instructions for determining when your final exam is scheduled:
- Final exam times are determined by the meeting time of your class. For example, if your class meets 10 Tu Th your final exam will be on Thursday, December 11 from 8 - 10:30 a.m. Courses with labs are scheduled based on the lecture time of the course.
- Courses which do not follow a standard time pattern are scheduled based on the initial schedule time of the course. For example, a course which is scheduled to meet at 2 on WThF has an initial meeting time of 2W. The only 2W on the chart is on Monday, December 8. Therefore, the final for a course which meets 2 WThF is scheduled for Monday, December 8 from 2 - 4:30 p.m.
- Final Exams for in-person classes are held in regularly assigned rooms.
Students should consult the Finals Week Schedule to avoid enrolling in courses which would cause them to have multiple examinations on the same day.
Note about plan for finals in the event of inclement weather:
- If any re-scheduling is required, the university will communicate the exact plan, including the re-scheduled date.
- Such re-scheduling would happen only under extreme circumstances and only for classes that the faculty determine must meet in person, on campus.
Future Calendars
Date(s) | Day(s) | Description |
January 22-24 | Thursday-Saturday | New Student Arrival & Orientation |
January 26 | Monday | Classes Begin |
March 13 | Friday | University Closes After Last Class |
March 23 | Monday | Classes Resume |
May 11-15 | Monday-Friday | Finals Week |
May 16 | Saturday | Commencement |
Date(s) | Day(s) | Description |
August 19-22 | Wednesday-Saturday | New Student Arrival & Orientation |
August 24 | Monday | Classes Begin |
September 7 | Monday | Grow, Thrive, Live Day |
September 21 | Monday | Grow, Thrive, Live Day |
October 15 | Thursday | Grow, Thrive, Live Day |
November 3 | Tuesday | Grow, Thrive, Live Day |
November 23-27 | Monday-Friday | Break (No Classes) |
December 9 | Wednesday | Follow a Monday class schedule |
December 11 | Friday | Study Day |
December 13 | Sunday | Commencement |
December 14-18 | Monday-Friday | Finals Week |
December 19-21 | Saturday-Sunday | Dates reserved for campus-wide final exam rescheduling, as determined by the President's Office or designee |
Date(s) | Day(s) | Description |
January 21-23 | Thursday-Saturday | New Student Arrival & Orientation |
January 25 | Monday | Classes Begin |
February 8 | Monday | Grow, Thrive, Live Day |
March 10 | Wednesday | Grow, Thrive, Live Day |
March 22-26 | Monday-Friday | Break (No Classes) |
April 22 | Thursday | Grow, Thrive, Live Day |
April 23 | Friday | Grow, Thrive, Live Day |
May 4 | Tuesday | Grow, Thrive, Live Day |
May 17-21 | Monday-Friday | Finals Week |
May 22 | Saturday | Commencement |