The Student Chancellor’s Award Committee (‘local’ committee) seeks nominations for the SUNY Chancellor’s Award for Student Excellence from faculty and professional staff members. Because the local committee may submit a limited number of student nominees to the SUNY Selection Committee, each nominator may nominate only one student for the local committee to consider.
The Chancellor’s Award for Student Excellence recognizes outstanding students who have integrated academic excellence with other aspects of their lives and have demonstrated achievement in at least three of the following areas: Academic Excellence, Leadership, Campus Involvement, Community Service, or the Arts.
Student Eligibility
- Nominees will have graduated or will graduate between June 2024 and May 2025;
- Nominees must have demonstrated achievement as described above; and
- Nominees must agree to a grade and judicial review to assure good standing.
Nomination Process
- By November 28 nominators (faculty/professional staff) must [1] submit the names of potential student nominees to and [2] inform the students that they are potential nominees and provide them with the grade/judicial review release form.
- Potential student nominees must download, sign, and submit the signed release form via email to or by hard copy to 301 Netzer Administration Building by December 1.
- Submitted releases are reviewed by the President’s designee(s) and faculty/professional staff nominators are notified by December 12 whether to proceed with preparing and submitting a nomination and are provided detailed instructions on its content and submission process.
- By January 13, 2025 nominations must be submitted by the faculty/professional staff nominator via the CASE local nomination survey.
- Nominations are reviewed by the local Chancellor's Award for Student Excellence Committee, which selects the nominations to be submitted to the SUNY Selection Committee for consideration. (Number of nominations allowed to be submitted is determined by SUNY for individual campuses based on total annual average FTE.)
Rating Sheet for Local Committee Members
Contact the Office of the President at 607-436-2748 with questions.