Why Oneonta?
I originally came to SUNY Oneonta pursuing a psychology degree. In hearing about SUNY Oneonta’s psychology program, I felt as though this was the place to be. Although I changed my major to communication, my pursuits regarding my career remained the same, in an effort to become a therapist and/or counselor when I graduate. And I feel as though SUNY Oneonta was the place to help me achieve that. I've learned to appreciate my ability to communicate and grow with others. I cherish dearly the ability to help others find themselves while growing and finding myself as well. Given that SUNY Oneonta delivered programs that can help me pursue just that, I felt as though there was no other place that offered the same support.
My Activities
Kings of Excellence, Building Manager in Morris Hall, mentor for Kings of Excellence and EOP students, Student Alumni Association.
Best Experiences
Some of my best experiences so far in my major include working with others, collaborating and growing with others, like during group projects and mock interviews. Mentoring and being a building manager is also special to me, helping me develop my character and assisting my growth as a person. It’s good practice, taking responsibility, growing as a person, and helping others grow as well.
Favorite Professors
Some faculty and staff that have had a big impact on my development are Ms. Anne Winchester and Dr. Howard Ashford. Ms. Anne, having introduced me to Dr. Ashford, these two professionals inspired me and helped strengthen me in becoming who I am now. They’ve exposed me to people and situations that took me out of my comfort zone and essentially made me adapt and lead as a person. Getting “comfortable with being uncomfortable” has been the key.
Plans, Goals, Dreams
After college, my plan is to inspire others, be the best man I can be and take the experiences I had in college and apply it to the real world. I want to exercise my major in becoming a counselor and/or therapist, inspiring others and assisting in the development of people's health and wellbeing. I want to remain in Oneonta after I graduate, in hopes of finding a career and home at the institution of SUNY Oneonta.