Why Oneonta?
I chose SUNY Oneonta because of the professors in the Women’s and Gender Studies (WGS) department, they are truly the kindest and most intelligent people I know.
My Activities
I am on the Women’s Rugby team, part of NAMI, WGS Club, and the Jewelry Making Club. I used to be the public relations chair on the rugby team which included creating Instagram posts, merchandise, and banners for the team. I am currently the treasurer and public relations chair for the WGS club, I really enjoy creating social media posts!
Best Experiences
I had an amazing opportunity in the spring to volunteer with the Exercise Science department to host Adaptive Field Day. This is an event for athletes of all ages with intellectual and/or adaptive disabilities to continue practicing their skills. The parents and guardians were so grateful for this opportunity, as there aren’t many events like this in the surrounding area. Some parents even shared with me they drove over two hours to attend. It was so much fun teaching others how to throw and kick a rugby ball and, based on the athletes’ smiles, I know they had fun too.
About My Major
In my freshman year of high school, I took a class called Everyday Law that quickly became my favorite class. We discussed torts, types of contracts, reasons for divorce, felonies/misdemeanors, and briefly broke down many Judge Mathis episodes. I knew this was the field I wanted to go into.
During my junior year of high school, I took a dual enrollment course called Introduction to Sociology through Syracuse University Project Advance (SUPA) and immediately became super interested in it. I decided this is what I want to study more of in college, and luckily enough sociology majors commonly attend law school, so I felt like these interests were meant to be!
My first semester at SUNY Oneonta I was automatically assigned to take Gender, Power, & Difference with Dr. Kachwala. One of the first readings assigned to us was about intersex bodies, and I craved more articles to read because I have never been exposed to content like this in an academic setting. I was persuaded to add WGS as a minor, but quickly shifted to the major because I enjoyed learning about the different feminist tools, how they work together, and when to use them.
Favorite Professors
Professor Kathleen Dwyer has a huge heart and an even funnier personality! I took Public Speaking with her my second semester at Oneonta and there was truly never a dull moment. From her common phrases to her stories, I enjoy listening to everything she says. I was fortunate enough to “shadow” her Teaching Assistant (TA) the following semester and stepped up to become her TA the two semesters after that (Spring and Fall 2024). Working together, we’ve gotten to know more about each other. She is such an inspiration to me, as she’s overcome many obstacles in her life and has done almost everything under the sun. She has taught me that I can accomplish anything and to never be afraid to ask for help: that's what resources are for! It is such a unique experience to help friends and peers with coursework while gaining leadership experience teaching classes or review sessions. Unfortunately, you can only be a TA for the same course twice, so my fun is quickly coming to an end, but I will never forget these four semesters.
Plans, Goals, Dreams
After I graduate from Oneonta, I plan to go to law school. I am still trying to figure out what area of law I want to work in, and if I will stay in-state or not. I want to live in a big city and eventually get a dog.