Renewal, Tenure, and Promotion (Full-Time Faculty)

This site presents information relevant to SUNY Oneonta faculty applying for renewal, tenure (“continuing appointment”) or promotion. The site includes a calendar of relevant deadlines; the SUNY Board of Trustees and SUNY Oneonta renewal, tenure, and promotion policies; a description of the renewal, promotion and tenure processes at SUNY Oneonta; and a glossary of terms.

Please note that starting in the ‘22-‘23 academic year, there are two sets of guidelines and corresponding templates available for faculty use as follows:

The new guidelines and template (associated with the RTP Agreement) are for use by:

  • faculty beginning employment in fall ’22 or beyond.
  • faculty employed in ’21-’22 or prior who opt into the new guidelines/template as described below.
  • tenured faculty seeking promotion.

The former guidelines and template (in place before fall ‘22) may be used through continuing appointment by faculty in service during the ‘21-‘22 academic year and prior—unless the faculty member elects to fall under the new guidelines/template by notifying their dean of this “irrevocable decision” by Sept 30 of the application year.

Dates and deadlines are the same for users of both guidelines/templates. Faculty who will be evaluated under the new guidelines will compile a Professional Development Portfolio, using not only the template published on this site but also the disciplinary-specific Guidelines and Criteria provided by their department. All faculty and librarians will be evaluated based upon the Board of Trustees policies and UUP contract and guidelines.

Important Dates

Employee Renewal/Tenure/Promotion Notification Due Date August 31, 2024
Description Date
Faculty candidate files due to Department December 15, 2023
Dept & Chair Recommendations re: renewal, tenure, and/or promotion due to Faculty Member January 22, 2024
Faculty Files re: renewal, tenure, and/or promotion due in SharePoint January 26, 2024
Rebuttal period (of department and department chair recs) ends. Rebuttals should be submitted to the Dean’s Administrative Assistant February 2, 2024
Dean’s Advisory Council (DAC) recommendations due in SharePoint April 22, 2024
Rebuttal period (of DAC recs) ends. Rebuttals should be submitted to the Dean’s Administrative Assistant April 29, 2024
Dean recommendations due in SharePoint May 24, 2024
Rebuttal period ends (Dean’s recs). Rebuttals should be submitted to the Provost’s Administrative Assistant May 31, 2024
Provost’s Recommendations due in SharePoint June 14, 2024
Rebuttal period (Provost’s recs) ends. Rebuttals should be submitted to the President’s Administrative Assistant June 21, 2024
Promotion &/or Tenure:
Dean’s Recommendations re: tenure and/or promotion due in SharePoint March 4, 2024
Rebuttal period (Deans’ recs) ends. Rebuttals should be submitted to the Provost’s Administrative Assistant March 11, 2024
Promotion & Tenure Committee’s Recommendations Due in SharePoint May 17, 2024
Rebuttal period (P & T Committee’s recs) ends. Rebuttals should be submitted to the Dean’s Administrative Assistant May 24, 2024
Provost’s Recommendations due in SharePoint June 14, 2024
Rebuttal period (Provost’s recs) ends. Rebuttals should be submitted to the President’s Administrative Assistant June 21, 2024
President’s Recommendation due to HR (notification to employee by Aug 31) July 8, 2024
Employee Renewal/Tenure/Promotion Notification Due Date December 15, 2024
Description Date
Faculty candidate files due to Department September 3, 2024
Dept & Chair Recommendations re: renewal, tenure, and/or promotion due to Faculty Member September 18, 2024
Faculty Files re: renewal, tenure, and/or promotion due in SharePoint September 20, 2024
Rebuttal period (of department and department chair recs) ends. Rebuttals should be submitted to the Dean’s Administrative Assistant September 25, 2024
Dean’s Advisory Council (DAC) recommendations due in SharePoint RTP (app) October 11, 2024
Rebuttal period (of DAC recs) ends. Rebuttals should be submitted in SharePoint RTP (app) October 18, 2024
Dean recommendations due in SharePoint RTP (app) November 1, 2024
Rebuttal period ends (Dean’s recs). Rebuttals should be submitted in SharePoint RTP (app) November 8, 2024
Provost’s Recommendations due in SharePoint RTP (app) November 22, 2024
Rebuttal period (Provost’s recs) ends. Rebuttals should be submitted in SharePoint RTP (app) November 29, 2024
Promotion &/or Tenure:
Dean’s Recommendations re: tenure and/or promotion due in SharePoint RTP (app) October 11, 2024
Rebuttal period (Deans’ recs) ends. Rebuttals should be submitted in SharePoint RTP (app) October 18, 2024
Promotion & Tenure Committee’s Recommendations Due in SharePoint RTP (app) November 1, 2024
Rebuttal period (P & T Committee’s recs) ends. Rebuttals should be submitted in SharePoint RTP (app) November 8, 2024
Provost’s Recommendations due in SharePoint RTP (app) November 15, 2024
Rebuttal period (Provost’s recs) ends. Rebuttals should be submitted in SharePoint RTP (app) November 22, 2024
President’s Decision to HR December 6, 2024
HR notification to the employee December 15, 2024
Employee Renewal/Tenure/Promotion Notification Due Date August 31, 2025
Description Date
Faculty candidate files due to Department December 13, 2024
Dept & Chair Recommendations re: renewal, tenure, and/or promotion due to Faculty Member January 17, 2025
Faculty Files re: renewal, tenure, and/or promotion due in Due in SharePoint RTP (app) January 24, 2025
Rebuttal period (of department and department chair recs) ends. Rebuttals should be submitted to the Dean’s Administrative Assistant January 31, 2025
Dean’s Advisory Council (DAC) recommendations due in Due in SharePoint RTP (app) April 21, 2025
Rebuttal period (of DAC recs) ends. Rebuttals should be submitted to the Dean’s Administrative Assistant April 28, 2025
Dean recommendations due in Due in SharePoint RTP (app) May 23, 2025
Rebuttal period ends (Dean’s recs). Rebuttals should be submitted to the Provost’s Administrative Assistant May 30, 2025
Provost’s Recommendations due in Due in SharePoint RTP (app) June 13, 2025
Rebuttal period (Provost’s recs) ends. Rebuttals should be submitted to the President’s Administrative Assistant June 20, 2025
Promotion &/or Tenure:
Dean’s Recommendations re: tenure and/or promotion due in Due in SharePoint RTP (app) March 3, 2025
Rebuttal period (Deans’ recs) ends. Rebuttals should be submitted to the Provost’s Administrative Assistant March 10, 2025
Promotion & Tenure Committee’s Recommendations Due in Due in SharePoint RTP (app) May 16, 2025
Rebuttal period (P & T Committee’s recs) ends. Rebuttals should be submitted to the Dean’s Administrative Assistant May 23, 2025
Provost’s Recommendations due in Due in SharePoint RTP (app) June 13, 2025
Rebuttal period (Provost’s recs) ends. Rebuttals should be submitted to the President’s Administrative Assistant June 20, 2025
President’s Recommendation due to HR (notification to employee by Aug 31) July 9, 2025

Submission of Materials for Review


I. Overview

The files provided by faculty members in support of their requests for contract renewal, tenure appointment and/or promotion are to be submitted as a portable document format (PDF) file. Instructions for creating and uploading the file are found below in section II. The faculty member is responsible for uploading the PDF file by the date specified in the Administrative Calendar.

II. Instructions for Submitting Materials:

The following are links to instructions describing how candidates will submit their dossier for Contract Renewal, Tenure and Promotion. These are the steps to take after going through departmental review and adding the department letters to the PDF dossier. You may download the instructions by clicking on the linked text below.

III. Instructions for obtaining statistical data for each section taught during review period

View the instructions.

I. Background and Context

  • One-page cover letter specifying the request for Continuing Appointment and/or Promotion
  • Published departmental criteria relevant to Continuing Appointment and/or Promotion
  • For Continuing Appointment: Previous DAC/LDAC renewal recommendation letters
  • Current Departmental recommendation that contains details concerning the review process and the candidate's strengths and/or areas for improvement, based on departmental criteria
  • Letter of recommendation from the Department Chair/Library Supervisor
  • Up-to-date Curriculum Vitae
  • At least two (2) teaching observation reports from different faculty members, at least one from the candidate's department/library when possible. Note: Letter writers should use the Guidelines for Peer Observations of Teaching in Appendix A of the Faculty Guidelines and Criteria for Renewal, Continuing Appointment, and Promotion.
  • Faculty Activity Reports for the last three (3) years
  • Letters of support from at least two (2) SUNY Oneonta colleagues above candidate’s current academic rank
    • At least one (1) letter from a colleague who is not a member of candidate's department
    • At least one (1) letter from a departmental colleague other than the Chair or supervisor
  • Letters of support from at least three (3) colleagues external to SUNY Oneonta above candidate’s current rank. Note: Candidate provides a list of at least five (5) colleagues to Chair/Supervisor or Department/Library designee. Chair/Supervisor or Department/Library designee solicits letters and provides external references with a copy of the candidate's CV and the University-wide and department / library-specific criteria

II. Personal Statement and Self Assessment

  • Narrative builds on section I, addresses three areas of professional obligations (teaching or librarianship, scholarship, and service)
  • Narrative also includes demonstrated continuing growth and mastery of subject matter within three areas of obligation

III. Documentation of Effectiveness**

Evidence of Effectiveness in Teaching or Librarianship. Required for teaching faculty:

  • Representative copies of course syllabi and other course materials
  • Statistical data for each section taught during the last two years, as follows:
    • Results from University-wide student evaluation of instruction instrument
    • Mean scores of the University -wide student evaluation of instruction instrument compared with the departmental average and school-wide average
    • The number of students registered for each section and the number of individuals completing evaluation forms
    • Grade distribution data, including numbers and percentages, compared with the departmental average and school-wide average
    • Candidates are welcome to provide context or commentary on unusual patterns in the statistical data
  • Evidence of Effectiveness in Scholarship
  • Evidence of Effectiveness in Service

* For more detailed information about the professional development portfolio, see the Faculty Renewal, Continuing Appointment, and Promotion Policy (pp. 4-6). Please use Fall 2022 and Beyond Promotion and Tenure Template to prepare your PDF for submission.

** For examples of supporting documents, see each of the sections on teaching/librarianship, scholarship, and service in the Faculty Guidelines and Criteria for Renewal, Continuing Appointment, and Promotion.

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