Archaeological Laboratory Methods Microcredential

Credly Badge

This will certify that students have learned the skills needed to work as laboratory technicians analyzing artifacts and samples for museums, universities or cultural resource management firms.


SUNY Oneonta’s Archaeological Laboratory Methods microcredential provides you with the following skills necessary to work in a museum or archaeology lab setting:

  • Collaboration
  • Analytical thinking
  • Reporting
  • Curation
  • Artifact identification
  • Research

Required Courses

  • ANTH 1600 Introduction to Archaeology
  • Choose one 2000-3000 Archaeology course
  • Choose 6 credits of field experience courses


Upon completion of the program, you will be able to demonstrate the ability to:

  • identify artifacts and ecofacts;
  • analyze artifacts and ecofacts;
  • prepare archaeological reports;
  • curate materials from archaeological sites in North America.

You will receive both a notation on your transcript and a digital badge.


Enrolled students

Instruction method


Time to complete

2 semesters


12 Credits

Stackable to degree


Estimated cost

NYS resident = $3,535
Non-resident = $9,010


How to Apply

The microcredential application for enrolled students is in ONE.stop Forms, which can be accessed through myOneonta.

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