View or download the entire contents of the 2019 Annual Report.
Title |
Author(s) |
page |
W.N. Harman |
1 |
W.N. Harman & M.F. Albright |
8 |
H.A. Waterfield & M.F. Albright |
10 |
A survey of Otsego Lake's zooplankton community, summer 2019. |
M.F. Albright |
23 |
B. Walker |
37 |
Upper Susquehanna River water quality monitoring, summer 2019. |
A. Neer |
56 |
A. Aguilar, L. Hasbargen and W. N. Harman |
67 |
Water nutrient enrichment associated with harvesting of Myriophyllum spicatum. |
M.D. Sausville |
88 |
Health status of Rosa multiflora in Parslow Conservation Area. |
A. Collum |
101 |
W.N. Harman and H.A. Waterfield |
109 |
H.A. Waterfield |
113 |
The effect of EarthTecTM QZ and length of exposure on the mortality of Dreissena polymorpha. |
J. Kim |
117 |
K. Piucci and D. Vogler |
126 |
D. Vogler and K. Piucci |
136 |
A. Collum |
155 |
A. Collum |
159 |
L. Hasbargen |
163 |
A. Neer |
188 |
M. Vonhaugg |
198 |
M. Vonhaugg |
206 |
Monitoring the effectiveness of the Cooperstown wastewater treatment wetland, 2019. |
M.F. Albright |
215 |
Aquatic macrophyte management plan facilitation, Lake Moraine, Madison County, NY 2019. |
W.N. Harman, H.A. Waterfield and M.F. Albright |
224 |
Download the entire contents of the 2018 Annual Report.
Download the entire contents of the 2017 Annual Report.
Title |
Author(s) |
page |
W.N. Harman |
1 |
W.N. Harman & M.F. Albright |
8 |
H.A. Waterfield & M.F. Albright |
11 |
A survey of Otsego Lake's zooplankton community, summer 2017. |
M.F. Albright |
22 |
Water quality monitoring of five major tributaries in the Otsego Lake watershed, summer 2017. |
E. Iwanyckyj and H.Waterfield |
35 |
Upper Susquehanna River water quality monitoring, summer 2017. |
N. Angell |
49 |
Elliptio complanata survivorship and host availability in Otego Creek (Otsego County), New York. |
G. Scott |
63 |
C.L. Murch and D.S. Stich |
69 |
The parasite community of yellow perch (Perca flavescens) from Canadarago Lake. |
K. Engesser, H. Gorton, B. Peregrim, V. Pigott, J. Shoeck, T. Pokorny and F. Reyda |
83 |
Evaluation of aquatic plant control via automated mechanical roller system. |
T. Brandt |
88 |
J.E. Peterson |
96 |
N. Angell |
110 |
Water quality assessment of Butternut Creek, Otsego County, NY. |
S. Sleeper |
118 |
C. Garfield and K. Yokota |
136 |
E. Iwanyckyj, M. Albright, and D. Stich |
149 |
Field evaluation of EarthTec® ZM for zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha) control. |
M.F. Albright |
163 |
K.A. Dolce |
169 |
A survey of Odonata naiads in Otsego County, NY, summer 2017. |
G.E. Scott |
178 |
Survey of adult damselflies and dragonflies (Odonates) in Otsego County. |
E. Iwanyckyj |
182 |
High resolution maps of Brookwood Point and Parslow Road Conservation Area. |
L. Hasbargen, S. Sleeper, and M. Dore |
188 |
B.R. Van Wormer |
196 |
Z.R. Diehl, L. Watkins, J.R. Foster and R. Clark. |
201 |
S.E. Coney, P.H. Lord and L. Ferrara |
211 |
Fresh water pearly mussels in the Susquehanna River near Owego, NY. |
S.E. Coney and P.H. Lord |
214 |
Impact of crude oil pollution on marine dimethyl sulfide production. |
J. M. Pimentel and Z. Balogh-Brunstad |
215 |
T.L. Brandt |
229 |
Comparison of amphibian abundance in constructed vernal pools in two distinct habitats. |
T.P. Franzem, A. Gaynor, E. Thompson, D. Ndambuki and D. Stich |
232 |
C.V. Shafer, D.T. Garrett, S.R. Carey, J.R. Foster, B.C. Lehman, K.C. Thomas, M.D. Cornwell, S.M. Wells, D.S. Stich, and D. M. Lucykanish |
249 |
M. Dore |
260 |
B. Van Wormer |
267 |
H. Waterfield |
275 |
Monitoring the effectiveness of the Cooperstown wastewater treatment wetland, 2017. |
M.F. Albright |
282 |
Download the entire contents of the 2016 Annual Report.
Download the entire contents of the 2015 Annual Report.
Download the entire contents of the 2014 Annual Report.
Download the entire contents of the 2013 Annual Report.
Download the entire contents of the 2012 Annual Report.
Title |
Author(s) |
page |
W.N. Harman |
1 |
W.N. Harman & M.F. Albright |
6 |
H.A. Waterfield & M.F. Albright |
8 |
A survey of Otsego Lake's zooplankton community, summer 2012. |
M.F. Albright |
20 |
C. Slater |
29 |
Water quality monitoring of five major tributaries in the Otsego Lake watershed, summer 2012. |
K. Mehigan |
35 |
Monitoring water quality & fecal coliform bacteria in the upper Susquehanna River, summer 2012. |
R. Katz |
52 |
R. Katz |
65 |
W.L.Butts |
69 |
D. McShane and K. Mehigan |
70 |
Monitoring the effectiveness of the Cooperstown wastewater treatment wetland, 2012. |
M.F. Albright |
93 |
Benthic macroinvertebrate survey of Oaks Creek, Otsego County, NY. |
B. Buckhout |
103 |
J.S. Heilveil and B. Buckhout |
113 |
M.F. Albright, P.H. Lord, T.N. Pokorny |
123 |
A. VanDerKrake |
126 |
Bryophyte reproduction and dispersal in a mixed hardwood forest. |
S. Robinson, A. Lawrence, R. Obenauer |
137 |
W.N. Harman, M.F. Albright, H.A. Waterfield |
148 |
Surface water quality in Otsego County, NY, prior to potential natural gas exploration. |
S. Crosier |
153 |
Hydroacoustic surveys of Otsego Lake's pelagic fish community, 2012. |
H.A. Waterfield and M.D. Cornwell |
169 |
M.F. Albright |
177 |
S. Zemken, P. Lord, T. Pokorny |
185 |
2012 population estimate of walleye (Sander vitreus) in Otsego Lake. |
J. Willson, J.R. Foster, M.D. Cornwell |
195 |
Aquatic macrophyte management plan facilitation, Lake Moraine, Madison County, NY 2012. |
W.N. Harman and M.F. Albright |
201 |
H.A. Waterfield and M.F. Albright |
212 |
F.B. Reyda and D.D. Willsey |
213 |
Download the entire contents of the 2011 Annual Report.
Title |
Author(s) |
page |
W.N. Harman |
1 |
W.N. Harman & M.F. Albright |
6 |
H.A. Waterfield & M.F. Albright |
9 |
A survey of Otsego Lake's zooplankton community, summer 2011. |
M.F. Albright & O. Zaengle |
20 |
A. Levenstein |
29 |
Water quality monitoring of five major tributaries in the Otsego Lake watershed, summer 2011. |
O. Zaengle |
35 |
G.W. Badger |
47 |
Monitoring water quality & fecal coliform bacteria in the upper Susquehanna River, summer 2011. |
B. Scott |
59 |
W.L.Butts |
73 |
Monitoring the effectiveness of the Cooperstown wastewater treatment wetland, 2011. |
M.F. Albright |
74 |
E. Gazzetti |
82 |
Insight into a complex system: Cooperstown wastewater treatment wetland, 2011. |
T. Robb |
90 |
H.A. Waterfield |
108 |
K. Whitcomb |
122 |
B.P. German |
132 |
B.E. Bowers |
140 |
B.P. German |
146 |
Hydroacoustic surveys of Otsego Lake's pelagic fish community, 2011. |
H.A. Waterfield and M.D. Cornwell |
152 |
M.F. Albright |
158 |
W.N. Harman, M.F. Albright, and H.A. Waterfield |
164 |
Laurel Lake water quality, nutrients, and algae, summer 2011. |
H.A. Waterfield, W.N. Harman, and M.F. Albright |
169 |
W.N. Harman |
175 |
2011 pearly mussel surveys of portions of the Catatonk Creek, Butternut Creek and Unadilla River. |
P.H. Lord, and T.N. Pokorny |
185 |
Drainage basin size as a predictor of fish species richness in the Otsego Lake watershed. |
J.R. Foster and R. Lewis |
192 |
Spine punching: An effective way of marking spiny-rayed fish. |
J.R. Foster and J.C. Lydon |
198 |
DEC Invasive Species Eradication and Control Grant final report. |
W.N. Harman, H.A. Waterfield, and M.F. Albright |
205 |
F.B. Reyda, C. Lange, J. Sheehan, U. Habal, D. Willsey, L. Laraque, and M. O'Rourke |
208 |
W.N. Harman, M.F. Albright and O. Zaengle |
214 |
Download the entire contents of the 2010 Annual Report.