New Members
- Dalene Behrens '71 and Otto Behrens Ph.D.
Jay Bernhardt '66 and Kathleen Bernhardt
Brian Brown '00
Karina Camacho
Jaime Cardello
Richard Cleary '78, '05
Daniel Derice '22
Edward Doolittle '77 and Valerie Doolittle '77
Joseph Finnegan
Roy Freiman '81 and Victoria Freiman '80
Gary Herzig
Rebecca Higginbottom '24
James Howarth '71 and Cathleen Howarth '71
Paul Huff '89, '90
Janet Kay '72 and Bruce Kay
Ian Kudel '93 and Stacey Farber
Margaret LaFarr '89
Thant Lin
Anthony Mangone
Kelly McDonnell
Michael Meehan
Eileen Morgan-Zayachek
Karen Ann Shafer
Tanner Smith
Alfonso Spicciatie
Michele Streck '91, '94 and Eric Streck
Matt Torgersen
Peter Valenti '73 and Donna Valenti
Ellen Whipple '72, '76 and Ron Whipple '66 '70
Wendy Williams
Caroline Williams
American Food & Vending Enterprises, Inc.
Ellucian Foundation
Ernst and Elfriede Frank Foundation, Inc.
Huff Ice Cream
The Helmsley Charitable Trust
The University at Albany Foundation
University at Albany Alumni Office
Sustaining Members
- Bruce Aaronson '74 and Diane Aaronson '75
Andrew Abler
Paul Adamo '81 and Ann Adamo '82
James Ajello '75 and Mary Ajello
Amanda Alfieri '96 and Darrell Alfieri
Jacqueline Allen '76
Tracy Allen and Melissa Allen
Josephine Alliano '23
Edward Aluck '95 and Sarah Aluck
Barbara Anderson Holzkamp '63 and William Holzkamp
Victoria Andritz '65
Thomas Artale '95 and Maureen Artale '98
Thomas Artino '84
Stephen Ashley
Carol Baker '66, '71 and James Baker
Debra Ballentine
Jeramie Barber '00
Michaela Bargher '15 and Patrick Bargher
Donald Baright '74 and Gail Baright '75
Jeffrey Barnett '79 and Stephanie Barnett
Scott Barton and Cynthia Barton
Paul Baumann and Barbara Baumann
Karen Beam '91 and Steven Beam
Kate Bellman '23
Jeane Bennett-O'Dea '73, '00 and William O'Dea
Jerrold Bermingham '83 and Mary Bermingham
Joseph Bernier '72 and Lucy Bernier Esq. '77
James Bessent
James Bidwell '83 and Laura Bidwell
Nancy Binnie '77 and Marc Bastow
Judith Bird '67
Thomas Birmingham '75 and Roberta Birmingham
Ellen Blaisdell and Peter Exton
Robert Bliven
Charles Bogosta '80 and Mary Ann Bogosta '82
John Bonamo '72 and Suzanne Bonamo '73
Scott Bonderoff '87 and Mary Bonderoff '88, '99
Michele Borger '79 and Mitchell Borger '79
Floyd Bourne '77
Patricia Breslauer '70
Irena Briganti
Gabrielle Brink
Thomas Brinthaupt '80 and Ginny Poole Brinthaupt
Timothy Brock Esq. '80
James Broe and Joyce Broe
Beth Ann Brooks '02 and Ryan Brooks
John Brooks and Joan Brooks
Michael Brophy '73
Mary Brown '79 and Patrick Brown '78
Richard Brown '87 and Karen Brown '88
Mark Brunette '10 and Sara Brunette '11
Keith Bundy '62, '66
Carol Burkhart '68, '73 and John Burkhart '68, '74
Nancy Cannizzaro '77 and John Cannizzaro '76
Frank Capek '82 and Janice Singer-Capek
George Capek '86
Thomas Capek '85 and Lisa Capek
Alberto Cardelle and Rachel Frick Cardelle
John Carey '78
Dia Carleton
Valerie Casey '73 and Lawrence Uhl
Andrea Casper '75
Mary Cervenka '69
Thomas Cesare '76 and Sharon Cesare
Daniel Chambers
Connor Chapman '18
Claire Chastaine '72 and Lyle Chastaine
Richard Choppa '83 and Caroline Choppa
Dan Christman '98 and Kymberly Christman
Margaret Christopher '67 and William Christopher DA '67
Marilyn Clement '71
Patricia Clemons '59 and Robert Clemons
Barry Clyde '95 and Shannon Clyde '93
Andrew Cohen '83
Jennifer Cohen '84
Anne Collins '75 and Daniel Collins
Jordan Condon '21
Kathryn Constantine '79 and David Constantine '69
Robert Constantine '75
Paul Conway
Susan Crews '78 and William Crews
Yvonne Cummings '72
Susan Curry '80 and Brian Curry '79
Shawn Dacey '13 and Carol Dacey '14, '16
Mary Dacquino '80 and David Dacquino
Cecelia Daher
David Daly '81
Sean Daly '11
Caroline D'Antonio '67
Arthur Dauria and Barbara Dauria
Jay Davidson '69 and Kevin O'Neill
Dean Davis '84 and John Argueso
Katherine Delaney '63
Thomas Delaney and Linda Delaney
Mark Delligatti '75
Carol Denson '64
Nicole Dillingham and Gaylord Dillingham
Kyle Doering '21
John Doherty '87
James Doig '75 and Rita DeMarko
Mary Donovan '65
Amie Doughty
Elaine Downing
Tracey Drayer '86 and Keith Drayer '87
Linda Dubsky-Peters '75 and Robert Peters
Howard Duff '78 and Amy Duff
Kenneth Dukes
Donna Einhorn '71, '72 and David Einhorn
Karen Elting '84
Katherine English-Mankoff '02 and Evan Mankoff '02
Remi Farnan '15
Lisa Ferrero '85 and Rick Ferrero
Dorothy Fielder
Clifford Fields '81 and Angela Simpson
Eleanor Filburn '54
Jennifer Fisher '91 and Richard Fisher
Francis Fitzpatrick '64 and Janet Fitzpatrick
Sandra Foley '70 and James Foley
Edward Forman and Carol Forman
Clare Forseth '71 and Kenneth Forseth
Daryl Forsythe and Phyllis Forsythe
Gail Foti '57 and Vincent Foti '57, '60
Kathryn Franco '67, '82
David Frick '77 and Nancy Frick
John Friedman '75 and Mary Friedman
Frances Gailey Read
David Gain '22
Erin Gallagher
Kathleen Gallagher '75 and Robert Gallagher '75
Julia Galusha '71, '75G
Faith Gay
Diane Georgeson MD
Molly Geyer
John Ghertner and Nancy Ghertner
Kathleen Glass '75 and Jeffrey Glass '75
Maury Golbert '87 and Gail Golbert
James Gold '68
Victoria Graffeo '74
Victoria Graham '76
Jane Grastorf
Laurie Gross '80
Lawrence Guzy and Joyce Guzy
Michael Haber
James Hahn '72 and Sidney Williams
Jonathan Hahn '90
Kierrah Hamer '21
Deborah Hamlin '86
George Harris '82 and Juana Harris
Terry Hart '82 and Amy Hart
Todd Hart '82 and Valerie Stowell-Hart '83
Susan Haswell '65
AnneMarie Haumesser '12 and Luke Haumesser
Norma Lee Havens '73 and John Havens
Rebecca Haviland and Chris Anderson
Terry Helser and Wanda Helser
Matthew Hendley and Michelle Hendley
Philip Hertik '73 and Amber Hertik
Mark Herzberg '67 and Gay Herzberg
Rosalind Hewsenian '75 and Robert DiMarino
Virginia Hillman '86
Christopher Hogan '80 and Kathleen Hogan '82
Susan Hughson
Gladstone Hutchinson '83 and Ute Schumacher
John Iannotti '76
Michael Infurna '85 and Linda Pace Infurna
Andre Jackson and Samantha Johnson
Jay Jacobs '77 and Mindy Jacobs
Alison James and David James
Susan Jennings and Harley Clark II
Donna Johnson '86 and Dennis Johnson '78
Tracy Johnson
Debra Kawaller '77 and Kenneth Kawaller
Aidan Kelly '24
Joseph Kevles and Ellen Kevles
Jennifer Kinsley '22
Thomas Klaritch Sr. '81 and Darlene Klaritch
Nancy Kleniewski and William Davis
John Kotz and Katherine Kotz
Susan Kowalski '85 and William Kowalski III
Nancy Krager '59
John Krakowski '76
Joann La Perla-Morales '68 and Rubil Morales
Louise Ladd '70
Robert LaForge '77 and Suzanne LaForge '77
Keith Laird and Lori Laird
Christy Lamagna '90
John Lambrech '93 and Jenny Lambrech
John Langone '71 and Christine Langone '73
Laurence Lasky '74
Pathy Leiva '18
Sue Lerner '72
Craig Lesser '72 and Nancy Lesser
Michael Levenstein '74 and Deanna Palumbo
Donna Lewis '72 and Timothy Lewis '71
Jerome Liebrand '80 and Roberta Hines
Darryl Lincoln and Tami Lincoln
David Lincoln Jr. '95 and Laura Lincoln
Louis Lipnickey
Janice Lloyd '62
Jean Lown '72 and William Dixon
Phyllis Macbeth '66 and Douglas Macbeth
Gary Madine '80 and Zirka Halibey
Alice Maggiore '10
Mark Magnani '85
Amy Malagamba '86 and Neal Malagamba
Patricia Maniscalco '95, '96 and Steven Maniscalco '96
Paul Martin '71 and Margaret Conroy-Martin
Allen Marx '78 and Charlene Marx
Nancy Matta '77
Harry Matthews '74
Neil Mazzella '73
Heather McArdle '92 and Thomas McArdle '90
Patrick McCann '75 and Linda McCann '76
Kathleen McCarthy '73 and Thomas Burns
Lillian McElhinney '71 and Michael McElhinney
Maureen McGuire Leahy '70 and Thomas Leahy
Drew McKay '05 and Erin McKay
Lorraine McKenna '69 and John McKenna
Nancy McLaughlin '77
Diane McNiven '76 and John McNiven '76
William McVicar '81 and Kathleen McVicar '83
Susanna Membrino
Diego Mendoza '21
Elizabeth N. Miller
Elizabeth A. Miller
James Mills and Susan Ryder
Mary Milmore and David Milmore '74
Jill Mirabito and James Mirabito
Yohann Monpoeho '20
Katherine Monthie '68 and Edward Monthie
Enrique Morales-Diaz
Madeline Morrow '75 and William Morrow Jr
Dawn Murray '77 and Kevin Murray '75
Moreland Murray '83 and Stacey Murray
Elizabeth Murwin '87 and George Allen '88
June Nafis '49
Sandra Neverett '72 and Pamela Cranston
Arthur Nimmo '75 and Susan Nimmo
Thomas Nixon Jr. '92 and Kathleen Nixon '92
Stan Nosek Jr. '69 and Julie Smith
Marilyn Nouri
Thomas O'Brien CPA '87 and Joan O'Brien
Kristine Pace '87 and Richard Pace
Judith A. Pachter
Margaret Palmer '76 and Arthur Palmer
Joann Palumbo '73
Anthony Parisi '81 and Janet Parisi
Robert Parisi '74
Debra Parisian '82 and Sid Parisian
Paul Patterson '72 and Sarah Patterson '74
Eleanor Patton and Bobby Patton
Jenny Payne '98
Alice Payton DVM
Johna Peachin CPA '84
Michael Peltz
Paul Perlman '76 and Beth Mattimore
Janet Perna '70 and Melanie Rose
Thomas Pflugbeil '69
Thomas Pickett '23
Nancy Pierce '77 and Joseph Igoe
William Pietraface and Marjorie Pietraface
MaryAnn Pietromonaco '85 and Matthew Grannen
Julianne Piscitello and Joe Piscitello
Louise Plumb '68 and Bob Plumb
Jason Pomeroy '09 and Lisa Pomeroy '08, '12
Diana Portalatin and Mark Davies
William Pullman '75 and Tamara Pullman
Terrence Quinn '82 and Eleanour Quinn
Nancy Rabolt '69
Joseph Raia '78 and Jeanne Raia
Stephen Raich CPA and Toby Raich
Anthony Randi DDS '78 and Ruth Randi DDS
Frank Rango '78 and Barbara Mantel
David Ranieri '82 and Tracey Ranieri
Marsha Ras '69
Florence Rebovich '56 and Joseph Rebovich
Steven Reisman '87 and Elizabeth Reisman
James Reuther '73
Peggy Richter '76 and Alan Ogden
Catherine Roberts '76 and Kenneth Roberts '71
Joe Roberts Jr. '73 and Barbara Roberts
Michael Robinson '13
Richard Rode '82
Samuel Rosenberry '75 and Charlene Rosenberry
David Rowley '78 and Gail Rowley
Thomas Ryder and Linda Ryder
Daren Rylewicz '93 and Julie Rylewicz
Marcy Salmirs '83 and Scott Salmirs '84
Matthew Sanchez '77 Sanchez
Richard Saperstein '81 and Andrea Saperstein
Robert Sass '81 and Sharon Sass '81
Elaine Saulinskas '74 and Howard Dewald
Vaughn Sayles Jr. '68
Ralph Scalise '85 and Carol Scalise
Jennifer Scanlon '80 and Michael Arthur
Linda Scarfe '73 and Stephen Scarfe
Glenn Schafer '78 and Mary Schafer
Ernest Schirmer '86 and Cynthia Gilbert
Gwen Schuster '68, '73
Mary Jane Schwebel '64
Todd Scott '74
Jean Seroka '64
Susan Seyffarth '65 and Robert Seyffarth
Luke Sheridan '20
Jessica Sinopoli '20
Gary Smith '72 and Tracey Smith
Myrill Solaski '75 and Paul Solaski
Gretchen Sorin '75
Joanne Soued '71 and Frederick Soued
Carolyn Springer '64 and William Springer
Lachlan Squair
Janet Stanton
Bette Stark Harrold '77
Todd Stockton '89 and Marci Stockton '88
Jeffrey Strauss '71 and Janis Strauss
Sheila Striffler '72 and Robert Striffler '72
Jean Svadlenak '82 and Steven Svadlenak
Edward Swallow '79 and Pamela Swallow
Lynne Talbot '89, '97 and Mark Talbot
Sally Tanzer
Maureen Tarrant '77
Grace Tarsa '21
Ellen Teller '78 and Martin Kanovsky
Rebecca Ternosky '11
Joshua Thibado '17
Granville Thompson '68 and Judy Thompson
Kali Ticehurst '23
Kathy Tobiassen
Gregory Traphagen '76 and Janet Traphagen
Richard Tyler '74 and Loraine Tyler '69
James Utter '64 and Janice Utter
Susan Van Gelder '76 and Mark Kerrigan
Richard Venerus '93
Andrea Vicidomini-LaMantia '75
William Vining '81
Christine Warnquist '71
Estella Watkins '66 and Richard Watkins
Nancy Watroba and Raymond Watroba Jr
Mary Westermann '74
Crystal Williams '77
Michael Williams CPA '88 and Amy Williams
Douglas Willies and Rhonda Willies
Paula Wilson '72
Russel Windler '75 and Lynne Windler '77
Nancy Wolters
Fabrice Wong '62 and Gene Wong
Wayne Wright '69, '73
Christian Young '22
Vincent Young Jr. '80 and Ellen Young
William Zarakas '78 and Susan Ricker
Wayne Ziemianski '76 and Dawn Ziemianski
Lorraine Zimniewicz '69, '74
Ian Zingaro '23
A. Lindsay & Olive B. O'Connor Foundation, Inc.
Ashley Family Foundation
Atlantic Culinary Environments
Ayco Charitable Foundation
Bank of America Charitable Gift Fund, MA
Benevity Community Impact Fund
Brooks' BBQ Charitable Foundation
Cal Financial Group
Capek Family Foundation, Inc.
Casella Waste Systems, Inc.
Charities Aid Foundation of America
Coca Cola
Colonie Cards and Gifts
Community Bank, N.A.
Community Foundation of Otsego County
Cooperstown Graduate Association
Corning Incorporated Impact & Investment Group
Dean M. Graham Foundation
Dewar Foundation Inc.
Eggleston Foundation
Enterprise Mobility Foundation
Ernst and Young, LLP
Fahs Construction Group
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
Fourth Lake Community Association Inc
Gary and Robin Anderson Foundation
Hearst Magazine
Horseshoe Pond Deer River Flow Association
Jillco-Zander Charitable Lead Trust
Kevles Living Trust
KeyBank Foundation
KeyBank National Association Trust Division
Loon Lake Association
Loon Lake Watershed Improvement Alliance
Lorenzo Food Group
Marx Family Foundation
Mento Produce Co, Inc.
Morgan Stanley
National Philanthropic Trust
NBT Bank
New York State Federation of Lake Associations
Oneonta Auxiliary Services
Otis A. Thompson Foundation, Inc.
Otsego 2000, Inc.
Otsego County Conservation Association
Otsego Lake Association
Perpetual Kindness Foundation
Renaissance Charitable Foundation/ SEI Giving Fund
Schwab Charitable Fund
Sidney Federal Credit Union
Stewart's Shops
Stifel Charitable Inc.
Stone Canyon Exploration, Inc.
Stonhard Corporate HQ
SUNY Impact Foundation Inc.
Sushi Do LLC
The Chance Imperato Foundation, Inc.
The Clark Foundation
The Perna-Rose Foundation for Hope
The Scriven Foundation
The Tianaderrah Foundation
The Walter J. and Anna H. Burchan Charitable Trust
U.S. Charitable Gift Trust
Upper Rhoda Lake Association Inc
Vanguard Charitable
Walmart Stores, Inc.
White Birch Lake Property Owners
Willies Family Foundation
Message from the Chair of the 1889 Society
Our members are champions of students, empowering them to fully experience a SUNY Oneonta education. Honoring the year in which SUNY Oneonta was founded, the 1889 Society is a circle of loyal and generous donors whose charitable giving demonstrates exceptional commitment to our campus community.
Today we invite you to join the 1889 Society, and help give current students the same opportunities you enjoyed during your time at Oneonta.
-Andrea Casper '75
Join the 1889 Society Today!
The 1889 Society is an annual giving society with members making donations of at least $1000 per year. Membership options are also available for monthly payments to spread your giving out over time. SUNY Oneonta employees are able to donate directly through payroll deduction.
Membership is tied to the fiscal year and requires renewal on an annual basis to ensure sustained commitment and ongoing support of SUNY Oneonta. SUNY Oneonta’s fiscal year is from July 1 through June 30.
Make Your Gift Today
You can make a one-time gift or set up monthly payments to spread your giving out over time.
Tiered Memberships for Recent Graduates
While the entry point into the 1889 Society is generally a gift of $1,000 or more, recent graduates can earn membership into the 1889 Society at a reduced rate. Tiered membership is offered for graduates who received their first Oneonta degree within the past 15 years, as the expenses of student loans or the start of a career should not be a barrier to membership in the 1889 Society.
Tiered access allows us to celebrate annual donors at various giving levels and abilities, promoting a culture of giving back that will help sustain SUNY Oneonta for generations. Tiered membership levels for recent graduates are as follows:
- Graduates from the classes of 2020-2024: $100 or $8.34 per month
- Graduates from the classes of 2015-2019: $250 or $20.84 per month
- Graduates from the classes of 2010-2014: $500 or $41.67 per month
Corporate Matching Gifts Count Toward Membership
Did you know that many employers offer matching gift programs where they'll match their employees' charitable donations dollar-for-dollar, sometimes even more? These matching gifts can help you become a member of the 1889 Society!
$1,000 Individual Gift = 1889 Society Membership
$500 Gift + $500 Matching Gift = 1889 Society Membership
1889 Society Membership Benefits
- Invitations to exclusive events on campus (view photos from past events):
- December - Holiday Reception
- April - Celebration of Giving
- June - Alumni Weekend Reception
- Recognition in the Honor Roll of Donors.
- Monthly E-Newsletter with highlights and exclusive content from across campus.
- Special VIP communications from SUNY Oneonta.
- Knowledge that your gifts directly support students and create a positive impact on education.
- Membership in an influential network of alumni, faculty, staff, and friends dedicated to supporting SUNY Oneonta.
- Opportunities to have your loyalty and support featured in publications and online.
Who are we?
Embodying the spirit of philanthropy, members of the 1889 Society are loyal leadership donors whose annual contributions provide steady growth to the University's endowment and student support programs.
Why do we exist?
A strong foundation of education paves the way for a brighter future. The 1889 Society members provide critical financial support for scholarships, global experiences, research, internships, emergency funding, and professional development for students and faculty.
1889 Society Purpose Statement
The 1889 Society members provide access to exceptional educational experiences for SUNY Oneonta students. Annual charitable gifts from 1889 Society members sustain the steady growth of scholarships and student support funds awarded through the SUNY Oneonta Foundation.
Did You Know...
Current 1889 Society members account for 82% of all charitable gifts and grant dollars contributed annually to SUNY Oneonta. Their support provides funding for scholarships, global experiences, research, internships, and much more.