Download the entire contents of the 1979 Annual Report.
Download the entire contents of the 1978 Annual Report.
Section/Report Title |
Author(s) |
page |
W.N. Harman |
1 |
1978 Otsego Lake water levels | W.N. Harman | 3 |
W.L. Butts |
6 |
Spot test reagents used for detecting laccase and tyrosinase in Basidiomycetes | C.D. Marr | 7 |
Flow analysis of the Willow Brook drainage basin, Cooperstown, N.Y. |
P. Clikeman |
40 |
Otsego Lake: Notes on observations of water currents | P. Clikeman | 52 |
Preliminary petrography and chemical analysis of Otsego Lake surface sediments | P. Clikeman |
54 |
The phytosociology, distribution, and productivity of the aquatic macrophytes of Rat Cove, Otsego Lake, N.Y. as related to environmental gradients | F.A. Vertucci and W.N. Harman | 62 |
Download the entire contents of the 1977 Annual Report.
Download the entire contents of the 1976 Annual Report.
Download the entire contents of the 1975 Annual Report.
Section/Report Title |
Author(s) |
page |
W.N. Harman |
1 |
Upland forest vegetation along the Susquehanna headwaters An analysis of the shrub and herb strata of vegetation of the field station |
B.R. Dayton B.R. Dayton |
2 8 |
J.G. New | 16 | |
W.L. Butts | 18 | |
W.N. Harman | 19 | |
A comparison of the plankton distribution of Otsego Lake between the years of 1935 and 1975 | B. Seaman | 23 |
Control of the surface elevation of Otsego Lake: Preliminary Report |
A.N. Palmer |
26 |
Ecological factors affecting phytoplankton growth during summer stratification in Otsego Lake including comments on the lakes trophic status | C. Doremus | 35 |
The effects of simazine treatments on the benthic fauna of Moraine Lake, Madison County, New York. | W.N. Harman |
54 |
Mites as prey of the terrestrial stage of the common Newt (Notophthalmus viridescens) in New York | R.A. Norton and M.C. MacNamara | 73 |
A preliminary study of the lichen flora of Otsego County | P. Kerlinger | 79 |
Download the entire contents of the 1974 Annual Report.
Section/Report Title |
Author(s) |
page |
W.N. Harman |
i |
Preliminary Geological Investigation of Otsego Lake | J. Sales, B. Breuninger and M. Melia | 1 |
L.P Sohacki |
21 |
Aquatic Ecology Studies | W.N. Harman | 30 |
The Mollusca of the Biological Field Station | M.C. MacNamara and W.N. Harman |
49 |
Terrestrial Ecology | B.R. Dayton | 54 |
In Situ Studies of Host Selection in Mosquitos | W.L. Butts | 75 |
Vertebrate Studies | J.G. New | 79 |
Download the entire contents of the 1973 Annual Report.
Section/Report Title |
Author(s) |
page |
W.N. Harman |
1 |
Aquatic Ecology Studies | W.N. Harman | 4 |
W.L. Butts, W.A. Cowles, J. Stilwell |
28 |
Vertebrate Studies | J.G. New | 29 |
Limnological Studies | L.P. Sohacki |
33 |
Terrestrial Ecology | B.R. Dayton | 36 |
Download the entire contents of the 1972 Annual Report.
Section/Report Title |
Author(s) |
page |
W.N. Harman |
1 |
Aquatic Ecology Studies | W.N. Harman | 2 |
W.L. Butts |
43 |
Vertebrate Studies | J.G. New | 48 |
Limnological Studies on Otsego Lake | L.P. Sohacki |
54 |
Limnological Studies on Moe Pond | L.P. Sohacki | 59 |
Terrestrial Ecology | B.R. Dayton | 62 |
Download the entire contents of the 1971 Annual Report.
Section/Report Title |
Author(s) |
page |
W.N. Harman |
1 |
Aquatic Biology Studies | W.N. Harman | 4 |
L.P. Sohacki |
16 |
Lake Productivity Relations | 19 | |
Mosquito Research | W.L. Butts |
34 |
Vertebrate Studies | J.G. New | 35 |
Fungal Studies | C.D. Marr | 36 |
Terrestrial Productivity | B.R. Dayton | 42 |
Download the entire contents of the 1970 Annual Report.
Section/Report Title |
Author(s) |
page |
W.N. Harman |
1 |
Report of Fungal Studies | C.D. Marr | 3 |
B.R. Dayton |
29 |
Anthropophilous Mosquitos | W.L. Butts, J. Raver, M. Wang | 45 |
Physical Limnology - Otsego Lake | L.P. Sohacki |
46 |
Biological Studies - Otsego Lake | W.N. Harman | 47 |
Vertebrate Studies | J.G. New | 76 |