Philosophy Faculty & Staff

Michael Green


Applied Ethics, Logic, History of Philosophy, Cultural Studies

B.A. University of Kansas
Ph.D. University of Chicago

Susan Sutton Smith Prize for Faculty Excellence, 2009

Office: Fitzelle 153
P. (607) 436-2470

Cheryl Jones

Department Office Assistant

Office: Fitzelle 160
Phone: 607-436-2456
Fax: 607-436-2330

photo of Chris Keegan

Chris Keegan

Associate Professor

Social and Political Philosophy, Ethics, Urban Philosophy, Philosophical Psychology, and Philosophy of Education

B.A. Union College
M.A.T. Clarkson University
M.A. SUNY Buffalo
Ph.D. SUNY Buffalo

Scholar-in-residence, Historic Santa-Fe Foundation 2022-2023

Office: Fitzelle 150
P. (607) 436-2811

"I joined the faculty at SUNY Oneonta in 2006, initially with a joint appointment in Africana and Latino Studies and Philosophy. When tenured in 2012, my appointment was moved fully into Philosophy.

I have written, published, and presented materials on democracy, naturalism, urban philosophy, social and political philosophy, and specific areas in philosophical psychology, like irrational motivations and cognitive biases, self-deception and self-control, racist motivations, and psychopathy. My current research is about public education in democracy. I hope to form this into a book manuscript in late 2021.

Besides being a philosopher, I am also certified to teach English and Language Arts in New York, Illinois, and Florida. Before coming to Oneonta, I taught for 5 years in the Chicago area (where I was born and raised), and recently I spent two years teaching at high schools in Key West, Florida and the Bronx, while on leave from SUNY Oneonta. I have taught a range of high school courses, from 9th grade reading instruction to IB Theory of Knowledge and AP Literature and Composition. I did my student teaching at Schenectady Public High School all the way back in 1996-1997.

Other than Oneonta, I have also taught college-level courses at Moraine Valley Community College, Florida Keys Community College, and Mohawk Valley Community College. I enjoyed teaching community college students as many of them were non-traditional, changing careers, and hungry to learn.

Philosophy courses are more valuable than many realize. All the most pressing problems of our society and world are ultimately, in some way, philosophical problems. Climate change and environmental issues, the rights of various groups of people or other animals, war, philanthropy, abortion, assisted suicide, factory farming and what and how we eat, the shape of our democracy and who is a part of it, racism and other forms of discrimination, social welfare programs and economic structures of society--all of these topics require philosophical background and thinking. As a society, we have failed to resolve many of these problems, perhaps because we do not take philosophy as a subject seriously.

Michael P. Koch

Associate Professor

Humanities, Social Philosophy, History of Philosophy

Undergraduate Studies, Simon's Rock Early College
B.A. Bard College
D.A. Philosophy, Social and Political Theory, SUNY Albany

Chancellor's Award for Excellence in Faculty Service, 2014
Phi Sigma Tau, Faculty Adviser

Office: Fitzelle 156
P. (607) 436-3721

Achim Koeddermann

Associate Professor

Environmental Ethics, Media Ethics, European Philosophy, Hermeneutics

B.A. Gutenberg-Gymnasium: Wiesbaden, Germany (Abitur)
M.A. Johannes-Gutenberg-Universitat: Mainz, Germany
Ph.D. Johannes-Gutenberg-Universitat: Mainz, Germany

Research-Fellow at the Bibiliotheque Nationale : Paris, 1987-1990
Richard Siegfried Junior Faculty Prize for Academic Excellence, 1995
Chancellor's Award for Excellence in Faculty Service, 2005
VP and Secretary of the University Faculty Senate, Albany, 2005/2006
Visiting Professor at Denver University (Colorado) & Sripatum University (Bangkok, Thailand)

Office: Fitzelle 152
Phone: 607-436-3082


Links: Achim Koeddermann's Website

Daniel Patrone

Daniel Patrone

Adjunct Faculty

Office: 155 Fitzelle Hall
P: 607-436-3037

Elyse Purcell

Elyse Purcell

Associate Professor, Acting Chair

Philosophy of Mind and Psychology, Bioethics, Social and Political Philosophy

B.A. University of Dallas
M.A. Boston College
Ph.D. Boston College

Office: Fitzelle 160B
P. (607) 436-3220

Qiong Wang

Associate Professor

Asian Philosophy and Comparative Studies, Ethics, Social and Political Philosophy

B.A. Beijing University
M.A. Beijing University
Ph.D. University of Connecticut

Office: Fitzelle 157
P. (607) 436-2330

Emeritus Faculty

Ashok Malhotra

Ashok Malhotra, Ph.D.

Distinguished Teaching Professor Emeritus

Dr. Malhotra is a founding member of the SUNY Oneonta philosophy department. He retired in 2016.

Among his many achievements, Dr. Malhotra established the SUNY Oneonta "Learn-and-Serve" study abroad program in India. He has lead 20 groups with more than 300 students, faculty, and community members on humanitarian missions. More recently, he built three elementary and three high schools for more than 1200 impoverished children in the remote villages of India. Much of the funding for these six schools comes from the Ninash Foundation, a charitable organization established in 1996 in honor of his late wife, Nina, to promote literacy among children and adults throughout the world. The Ninash Foundation's work has thrice earned Dr. Malhotra nominations for the Nobel Peace Prize.

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