Student Research and Scholarly Activities

student researcher

Students at SUNY Oneonta have the opportunity to get firsthand experience in their fields of study through various research and creative activity. Recent examples include supernova imaging in the pinwheel galaxy, combating drug-resistant viruses, and researching seiche in regional lakes.

Campus Grant Programs

SUNY Oneonta is committed to helping students pursue valuable experiential learning activities. In addition to providing funding to support internships, study abroad and participation in faculty-led trips, we offer more than $150,000 annually in student grants to support research and travel to professional conferences.

The Student Grant Program for Research and Creative Activity provides funding for the following tracks:

  • Traditional -- Independent research and creative activity projects conducted by undergraduate or graduate students with faculty sponsorship, and funding for research teams working on a sustained research program.
  • Shadow -- Broadening student engagement in research or creative activity, whereby a student with little-to-no experience joins a faculty member’s research or creative activity endeavor as an “observer” or a junior team member.
  • Course-based -- Supporting course activities that expose undergraduate students to the breadth, depth, and application of scholarly or creative activity.
  • Summer Fellowship -- Assisting undergraduate students' participation in actively mentored summer research or creative activity including campus-based independent research or creative activity with faculty mentorship, research assistantships for campus-based faculty projects, or off-campus directed field work or other research or creative activity endeavor with a SUNY Oneonta faculty mentor.

This program is funded by the SUNY Oneonta Foundation, Inc. and the SUNY Oneonta Alumni Association through charitable gifts and grants to SUNY Oneonta and is administered by the University Senate Committee on Research and the Faculty Center (Scholarly Activities).

Traditional Track

Student: Ryan Baker
Faculty Sponsor: Antoine Blanc (Chemistry & Biochemistry)
Melicopteline C, D, E Synthesis

Student: Jillian Blasco
Faculty Sponsor: Jeffrey Heilveil (Biology)
Fish or Flop: Impacts of Habitat Fragmentation on Genetic Diversity of Rhinichthys atratulus in Oneonta Creek

Students: Calen Cavallero, Margaret Engasser, India Futterman, Madeline Olesky, Jacqueline Tian (Gs)
Faculty Sponsor: Erik Stengler (Cooperstown Graduate Program)
Design of interactive exhibits for the Case Research Lab at the Cayuga Museum of History and Art

Student: Morgan Fleming
Faculty Sponsor: Florian Reyda (Biology)
A Deeper Look at Hooks: Interrelationships Among neoechinorhynchid acanthocephalans

Students: Victoria Frueh, Sarah Pixley
Faculty Sponsor: Tracy Betsinger (Anthropology)
Busting Neanderthal Myths

Student: Sirina Graziano
Faculty Sponsor: Elizabeth Bastiaans
Illumination Intensity Impacts Upon Tradeoffs Between Foraging Sensory Modalities Exhibited by Plethodon cinereus

Student: August Heminway
Faculty Sponsor: Wesley Bernard (Art)
A Rural Devotion to Community

Student: Daniela Hernandez
Faculty Sponsor: Sallie Han
Historias de las Salines: The Cultural Significance of Salt making in Tiaxcuapan

Student: Stephanie Mallen
Faculty Sponsor: Wesley Bernard (Art)
For Old Time's Sake

Student: Amanda Nicolaides
Faculty Sponsor: Elizabeth Bastiaans (Biology)
Are Yellow Spots a "Red Flag"? Testing the Potential Deterrence of Nocturnal Mammalian Predators of the Spotted Salamander, Ambystoma maculatum

Student: Aaron Paul
Faculty Sponsor: Thomas Beal
The Origins and Implications of Race Riots in New York City from the 1860s to 1930s: A Digital Media Research Project

Student: Kiersten Pugliese
Faculty Sponsor: Jody Aultman
Advanced Textiles: Lingerie

Student: Katerina Sawickij (G)
Faculty Sponsor: Florian Reyda (Biology)
Parasites of Lake Okeechobee, FL Fishes: Bnagham, 1940 revisited

Student: Jessica Shaw
Faculty Sponsor: Antoine Blanc (Chemistry & Biochemistry)
Melicoptelines Synthesis

Student: Hannah Whitcomb (G)
Faculty Sponsor: Florian Reyda (Biology)
A Search for the Missing Fish Parasites, a Survey of Oneida Lake Tributaries

Shadowing Track

Student: Lela Fluker
Faculty Sponsor: Elyse Purcell (Philosophy)
American Philosophical Association Book Symposium

Student: Michel Ghorayeb
Faculty Sponsor: Antoine Blanc (Chemistry & Biochemistry)
Melicopteline C, D, E Synthesis

Students: Jocelyn Perez, Tanya Reyes
Faculty Sponsor: Maria Montoya (Foreign Languages & Literatures)
COIL (Collaborative Online International/Intercultural Learning)

Students: Magda Rodriguez, Estela Vasquez
Faculty Sponsor: Suriati Abas (Elementary Education & Reading)
“En Nuestro Communidad” (In Our Community)

Student: Samantha Vezza
Faculty Sponsor: Ashley Cooper (Art)
“Swarm” - Art Exhibit

Course-Based Track

Faculty: Suriati Abas
Course: EDUC 3001 (Diversity & Teaching)

Faculty: Jody Aultman
Course: FASH 4200 (Advanced Textiles)

Faculty: Chloe Diamond-Lenow
Course: WGS 1000 (Gender, Power, and Difference)

Faculty: Andrea Fallon-Korb
Courses: SPMT 1250, EXSC 3250 (Misconceptions and Representation in Sport, Ethical Considerations in Exercise Science)

Faculty: Pemina Kamina
Course: EDUC 3006 (Diversity and Teaching)

Faculty: Paul Lord, Florian Reyda
Courses: BIO 3600, 3804, 6600 (coastal Maine field trip)

Faculty: Mandeep Virk-Baker
Course: FOOD 3500 (Food Science)

Summer Fellowship Program Track

Off Campus

Students: Victoriana Alfonso, Oskar Isaakson-Stahler
Faculty Sponsor: Kiara Pipino
Prague Shakespeare Intensive

Student: Trang Nguyen
Faculty Sponsor: Adam Kent
Burgos International Music Festival

Student: Camren Rexer
Faculty Sponsor: Arienne McCracken
Artist Residency at Trade & Fashion Academy

Campus Based

Students: Isabella Brosius, Matthew Cione, Elmin Granados Gomez, Jhon Rios, Kimberley Stevenson, Victoria Vetter
Faculty Sponsor: Thor Gibbins
Sustainability & Video Games: A Youth Participatory Action Research Project on Creating Games to Develop Sustainability Ethos in Youth

Students: Jessica Davis, Calvin Conti, Sophia Palmitri, Johnanthony Lopresto
Faculty Sponsor: Suriati Abas
Storying Critical Social Worlds Through Comics

Students: Jarett Deneau, Tyler Mann
Faculty Sponsor: Josh Nollenberg
Modeling of Dark Matter in Galaxy Clusters Using James Webb Telescope Images

Student: Erin Duke
Faculty Sponsor: Chris Karmosky
Persistent Snow in a Taconic Mountain’s “Ice Cave”

Students: Michael Giannetto, Joshua Ippolito
Faculty Sponsor: Valerie Rapson
Studying Alien

Students: Yesiris Hernandez, Taylor Wall
Faculty Sponsor: Maria Montoya
Living Bilingual

Students: Andrew Lutz, Ryan Sliwinski
Faculty Sponsor: Hugh Gallagher
Characterization of Seiche: Observation and Modeling

Student: Yesenia Perez
Faculty Sponsor: Maria Montoya
Exchange Programs Opportunities

Student: Jessica Shaw
Faculty Sponsor: Antoine Blanc
Synthesis of Melicopteline Derivatives

Travel Funding

SUNY Oneonta encourages student participation in research and creative activity across the academic disciplines, along with local, regional and national dissemination of such scholarship. Travel funding for students to attend and/or present projects at discipline-specific regional, national and international professional conferences, workshops and competitions is supported through the following funds:

The Caroline '67 and David D'Antonio Student Travel for Excellence Fund

An annual total of $30,000 is available to assist undergraduate and a limited number of graduate students with expenses incurred for travel to professional conferences/meetings, including registration fees, food, lodging, and transportation.

This fund has been made available through generous gifts from Caroline '67 and David D'Antonio. Priority is given to students who are presenting their research or creative activity.

Student Travel for Excellence Program (STEP) Academic Fund

SUNY Oneonta has established a pool of funds which may be sought competitively by full-time enrolled undergraduate or graduate students to defer some of their approved related costs.

Student Research and Creative Activity (SRCA) Showcase

The annual SRCA Showcase of student research and creative work provides students with the opportunity to take part in supportive, academic conference-style presentation sessions and for the campus and community to learn about our students’ research projects and scholarly/creative work.

The 2024 SRCA Showcase was kicked-off on April 24 with a keynote address by alumnus Michael Lahn '86 & Lori Lahn '86. Student presentations were held in person over two days and spotlighted 70 (update this number) diverse presentations of student research and creative activity projects. Read the news article about the 2024 SRCA Showcase.


Audrey Porsche
Associate Director for Scholarly Activities, Faculty Center
128C Hunt Union (Experiential Learning Center)

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