How to Register

Current Oneonta Students

If you are a current SUNY Oneonta student, you can register for summer classes through myOneonta just as you would for spring or fall semester courses.


View the list of courses

You are allowed to take up to 12 credits total for the summer, and a maximum of 6 credits in either session I or II. If you are registering for more than 6 semester hours per session, you will need to complete the course overload section of the add/drop form and have it signed by your major Department Chair. If your GPA is below a 3.0, you will also need to obtain the signature of your school’s dean. Return the form to the Registrar's Office, 130 Netzer, before the first day of summer classes.

If you are on a leave of absence for the spring semester, you won't receive a time ticket to register. Please call the Registrar's Office at 607-436-2531 so that we can issue you a time ticket to register.

Non-degree students

Online summer courses can be a good fit for non-degree students of all ages, including:

  • high school seniors getting a head start on college courses;
  • students enrolled at other colleges who want to take courses at Oneonta to transfer back to their home institutions; and
  • students who are taking courses with the goal of eventually enrolling at Oneonta or another college.

    The application deadline for a visiting student for a summer session term is the Wednesday before the first week of classes. This deadline is set to allow time to create your user account and gain access to our online learning platform before the class begins.

Apply Now View Eligibility

Summer 2025 Schedule

Short Term I 3-weeks: May 19 - June 6
Session I 5-weeks: May 27 - June 27
Session II 5-weeks: July 7 - August 8
7-weeks: June 23 - August 8
Full term: May 19 - August 8


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