IT Desktop Support Microcredential

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SUNY Oneonta’s IT Desktop Support microcredential will help you gain the skills required to support a business or organization through desktop support, including effective troubleshooting, data analysis, and hardware and software installation. You will also gain valuable communication and problem-solving skills and develop proficiency in understanding a constantly changing technological environment.


Upon completion of the program, you will be able to demonstrate the following competencies:

  • ability to complete an office computer software configuration appointment;
  • proficiency with the computer imaging process;
  • ability to install enterprise software onto client hardware;
  • an understanding of cloud storage, managing file retention and versioning;
  • ability to assess and troubleshoot Incidents and log into call tracking software;
  • proficiency with diagnosing and resolving printer errors;
  • proficiency with connecting to remote systems to provide customer support;
  • ability to diagnose, resolve and document hardware incidents;
  • ability to diagnose, resolve and document network connection incidents;
  • ability to diagnose, resolve, and document software Incidents;
  • ability to complete an office hardware move, including workstation arrangement and layout with cable management; and
  • ability to take an active role in collaborating, teaching and mentoring peers.

Who is eligible?

Enrolled students

Instruction method


Time to complete

2 Semesters



How to Apply

The microcredential application for enrolled students is in ONE.stop Forms, which can be accessed through myOneonta.

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