Education Major Non-Course Requirements - Office of Educator Preparation Services

Required to enter the Professional Methods Semester (Block):

  • Minimum overall GPA of 3.0.
  • All coursework completed except the Methods Semester and Student Teaching.
  • At least 92 semester hours of coursework completed.
  • No grade below a “C” (2.0) in 100 level required coursework.
  • No grade below a "C" in EDUC 235.
  • Minimum GPA of 2.8 in the Concentration.
  • Minimum GPA of 3.0 in the following eight core courses: EDUC 1060, EDUC 3001, EDUC 3013, EDUC 3053, EPSY 3029, EPSY 2040, EPSY 2075, EPSY 3080.
  • Sign-up to complete the Admission-to-Candidacy Application. Information regarding this will be available each semester by email and as posting on the Elementary Education Department bulletin board.

Required to enter Student Teaching:

  • Minimum overall GPA of 3.0 in Methods Semester.
  • No more than 18 months between Methods Semester and Student Teaching.

Recommended Before Graduation:

  • Complete Diploma and Teacher Certification Applications.
  • Establish Credentials Folder in the Career Planning and Networking Office.

Candidates submitting teaching license applications to NYSED will be issued an Initial License. Initial license requirements:

  • Complete Child Abuse Recognition and Reporting Seminar and School Violence Prevention Seminar. Both are included in EDUC 3013.
  • Finger Printing
  • DASA Training (also included in EDUC 3013).
  • Must Pass all State Tests: Content Specialty Test (CST), Educating All Students Test (EAS), and the educative Teacher Performance Assessment (edTPA).

SUNY Oneonta reserves the right to make changes in policies, requirements, and regulations as conditions change and such revisions are necessary subsequent to the publication of the academic catalog. This information is current as of August 2015.

Required to enter the first Professional Methods Semester (block):

  • Minimum overall GPA of 3.0.
  • All coursework completed except the Methods Semester and Student Teaching.
  • No grade below a “C” (2.0) in 100 level required coursework.
  • Minimum GPA of 2.8 in the Concentration.
  • Minimum GPA of 3.0 in the following seven core courses: EDUC 1060, EDUC 3001, EDUC 3013, EDUC 3053, EPSY 3029, EPSY 2040, EPSY 2075, EPSY 3080.
  • Sign-up to complete the Admission-to-Candidacy Application. Information regarding this will be available each semester by email and as posting on the Elementary Education Department bulletin board.

Required to enter second Professional Methods Sequence

  • Minimum overall GPA of 2.8 in first Methods Semester coursework.
  • No grade below a "C" in EDUC 3035 and EPSY 2075.
  • All coursework completed except second Methods Semester and Student Teaching.
  • No grade below a “C” (2.0) in the Related Work.
  • No grade below a “C” in the Concentration.
  • Minimum of 2.8 in the Concentration.

Required to enter Student Teaching:

  • Minimum overall GPA of 3.0 in Methods Semester.
  • No more than 18 months between Methods Semester and Student Teaching.

Recommended Before Graduation:

  • Complete Diploma and Teacher Certification Applications.
  • Establish Credentials Folder in the Career Planning and Networking Office.

Candidates submitting teaching license applications to NYSED will be issued an Initial License. Initial license requirements:

  • Complete Child Abuse Recognition and Reporting Seminar and School Violence Prevention Seminar. Both are included in EDUC 3013.
  • Finger Printing
  • DASA Training (also included in EDUC 3013).
  • Must Pass all State Tests: Content Specialty Test (CST), Educating All Students Test (EAS), and the educative Teacher Performance Assessment (edTPA).

SUNY Oneonta reserves the right to make changes in policies, requirements, and regulations as conditions change and such revisions are necessary subsequent to the publication of the academic catalog. This information is current as of August 2015.

Required to enter Professional Methods in Fall:

  • Minimum overall GPA* of B (3.0).
  • Minimum GPA* (2.8) in content major.
  • Minimum overall GPA* of B (3.00) in the core courses: EDUC 1060, EDUC 3001, EDUC 206, EDUC 3013, EDUC 2046, EDUC 3046,
    EPSY 3029, EPSY 2050, EPSY 2075.**
  • No more than 3 grades below a "C" in the Professional Education courses, content major and related work combined.
  • Complete the Admission-to-Candidacy Application in the fall semester prior to entering Methods.

Required to enter Student Teaching:

  • All GPA requirements for Methods must be met for student teaching.
  • Successfully completed required coursework in general education, the major core, content major, and the related work
  • No more than 18 months between Methods and Student Teaching
  • Minimum overall GPA* of B- (2.67) in Methods course

Recommended Before Graduation:

  • Complete Diploma and Teacher Certification Applications.
  • Establish Credentials Folder in the Career Planning and Networking Office.

Initial Certification Requirements:

  • Finger Printing.
  • Complete the Child Abuse Recognition and Reporting Seminar (included in EDUC 3013).
  • Complete School Violence Prevention and Intervention Seminar (included in EDUC 3013).
  • DASA Training (included in EDUC 3013.).
  • Must Pass all State Tests: Content Specialty Test (CST), Educating All Students Test (EAS), and the educative Teacher Performance Assessment (edTPA).

Required for Professional License:

  • Complete Master's Degree (within five years) and three years of full-time teaching.

SUNY Oneonta reserves the right to make changes in policies, requirements, and regulations as conditions change and such revisions are necessary subsequent to the publication of the academic catalog. This information is current as of August 2015. *All GPA's per SUNY Oneonta policy are calculated on SUNY Oneonta grades only.

**GPA calculated on those courses completed prior to methods. All must be completed prior to student teaching.

Contact Us

Department of Elementary Education & Reading
374 Fitzelle Hall
Phone 607-436-3176
Fax 607-436-3664
Victoria Bowker, Administrative Assistant

Department of Secondary Education
374 Fitzelle Hall
Phone 607-436-3075
Fax 607-436-3664
Suzanne Brown, Administrative Assistant

Department of Educational Psychology, Counseling and Special Education
374 Fitzelle Hall
Phone 607-436-3554
Fax 607-436-3664
Suzanne Brown, Administrative Assistant

Office of Educator Preparation Services
273 Fitzelle Hall
Phone 607-436-2538
Fax 607-436-3799
Jennifer Mancke, Administrative Assistant

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