Course Inactivation Policy

Effective Dates
Approved by the President/Provost/Cabinet on 02/19/2019
Revised by the President/Provost/Cabinet on 02/19/2019

Questions related to the interpretation of this policy should be directed to:
Office of the Provost
(607) 436-2517

Policy Statement

SUNY Oneonta may inactivate any course that the college has not offered for five years or longer.


Students rely upon college catalogs as sources of up-to-date information about courses the college offers. A department may stop offering a course for many reasons, including retirement of the faculty member who taught the course, changes in major requirements and changes in general education requirements. Students have the right to expect that SUNY Oneonta will offer all active courses in the near future and therefore may base their degree completion plans on that expectation.

Applicability of the Policy

This policy applies to all courses.

Policy Elaboration

This policy describes the process by which the registrar will automatically inactivate a course and by which a department can stop an automatic course inactivation. The purpose of the policy is to ensure that college catalogs include up-to-date information on courses that are offered on a regular basis.


Inactive course: A course that is not listed in any current college catalog.


Each year in March, the Registrar’s Office will prepare and circulate to each department chair and dean a list of courses scheduled for inactivation. A department can only stop the inactivation of a course by sending a written request, approved by its dean, to the registrar by the spring deadline for catalog changes. An inactivated course can be reactivated only through the established course change process.



Related Documents/Policies

Curriculum Development section of Faculty Handbook
Academic Affairs Administrative Calendar (for spring Catalog deadline)

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