Wireless Communication Policy

Effective Dates
Approved by the President: 1/4/2005
Latest Revision: 3/8/2022
Next Review: 3/1/2027

Questions related to the daily operational interpretation of this policy should be directed to:

ITS – Networking and Telecommunications Services
(607) 436-2577

Policy Statement

This policy has been developed to minimize potential interference with the campus wireless data network and assure the highest level of service to its users.


The Department of ITS - Networking and Telecommunications is solely responsible for procuring, installing, and maintaining wireless network equipment and services on campus. They establish and maintain unlicensed wireless data technical standards to prevent interference, ensure vendor interoperability, enable roaming, and ensure proper integration with wired voice, data, and video networks.

Applicability of the Policy

This policy applies to anyone operating wireless communication devices on the campus network or any devices that interfere with the campus Wi-Fi network.

Policy Elaboration

Telecommunications and Networking will approach the shared use of the 2.4 and 5 GHz portions of the radio frequency spectrum in the same way that they manage the shared use of the wired network. They will monitor the airspace and seek out users of devices causing harmful interference to the campus network or other FCC licensed service. Devices that may interfere with wireless networking include (but are not limited to) consumer-class wireless access points, walkie-talkies, microwave ovens, amplifiers, and televisions. SUNY Oneonta reserves the right to restrict the use of devices in campus-owned buildings and outdoor spaces on campus if they are found to interfere with the wireless network.


FCC – Federal Communications Commission


ITS-Networking and Telecommunications will use diagnostic tools to evaluate campus Wi-Fi service levels and locate devices that are identified as interfering with Wi-Fi. They will contact the operator of the device and work to resolve the interference, where possible. If the interference cannot be mitigated or the operator cannot be reached, the device will be blocked, powered down, or otherwise removed from the campus airspace.



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