Anthropology Majors & Programs

We would like to congratulate the Spring 2024 graduates! The following students received Anthropology awards this semester:

  • Academic Achievement Award-Raynella Clarke
  • James Preston Award for Passion in Anthropology-Peyton Legg
  • Franz Boas Award for Academic Growth-Leora Kaufman
  • Margaret Mead Award for Service-Taylor Hendrickson

We hope you all have a bright future and we will miss you!

Anthropology is the study of human origins, cultures, beliefs and practices.


Anthropology major at SUNY Oneonta, you'll choose from a wide variety of courses across the four major subfields of anthropology: Archeology, Biological Anthropology, Cultural Anthropology and Anthropological Linguistics. We offer two B.A. tracks, which are described below.


  • General Anthropology -- for students who are interested in a broad liberal arts degree prior to working or going on to further education, including graduate school in anthropology.
  • Human Biology -- for students interested in further education and a career in a variety of health professions, such as physical therapy, occupational therapy, public health and epidemiology. Our Prehealth Professions Advisement program supports students interested in these careers.


SUNY Oneonta's Anthropology Minor is for students supplementing their majors with additional coursework focused on human experiences, including biology, culture, and language in the present and past.

SUNY Oneonta' Museum Studies Minor introduces students to the purpose and function of modern museums and will prepare students for graduate school in museum work.


Archaeological Field Methods Microcredential

Archaeological Laboratory Methods Microcredential

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