Time Limit for Completing Degree Requirements – Graduate Students

Approved by President/Provost
May 9, 2022

Policy Contact
Office of the Provost
(607) 436-2517

Policy Statement

In order to receive a degree or certificate, candidates must meet all requirements within a period of six calendar years. The time limit begins the term in which the earliest enrolled course at SUNY Oneonta is credited to the degree program. No courses older than 6 years can be considered as part of the degree unless they are articulated in as transfer credits or fall within the 6-year window. This requirement may be modified only in special circumstances. In some cases, when students are admitted to a program, they may be given fewer than six years to complete their course of study.


This policy revision is to ensure the currency and legitimacy of potential transfer courses, which might be more than 6 years old at the time of degree completion.

Applicability of the Policy

This policy applies to all matriculated SUNY Oneonta graduate students.


A student may request an extension of the time limit by submitting to the Student Progress and Status Committee a written appeal that documents the extenuating circumstances contributing to the need for an extension.

The student's faculty advisor and the department chair or director of the student's program each review the request and make recommendations to the Student Progress and Status Committee.

The Student Progress and Status Committee reviews, then makes a recommendation to the Provost or designee.


Not applicable


Questions related to the daily operational interpretation of this policy should be directed to:


(607) 436-2517


Related Documents/Policies

Transfer Credits - Graduate Students

Effective Dates

Approved by President/Provost: May 9, 2022

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