Students | Academic Advisement

Welcome to the Academic Advisement Center (AAC)!

The Academic Advisement Team is here to help students at every step of their academic journey. Students may work directly with professional academic advisors to plan their path at SUNY Oneonta. The Advisement team offers students assistance with:

  • Academic planning
  • Change of Major/Minor/Concentration/Advisor
  • Prior Approvals for Transfer Credit
  • Submitting Academic Leave of Absence
  • Academic Review


To change your major, minor, concentration, or advisor, please submit the following form to our office via email ( or in-person at 100 Netzer Administration Building. Our office hours are Monday-Friday, 8:00am-4:30pm.

Not sure what to change your major to? Work with Career Planning and Networking to help you find a major that aligns with your career goals.

We’ve created a one-stop-shop for all your transfer credit questions.

Here are additional resources available to you:

We’re here to help! Contact our office and we can work with you to discuss your options. You may also refer to the following offices for additional support, including mental health services, tutoring, academic coaching, and more:

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