January 17 - Winter courses end. January 19-21 - New student arrival and orientation. January 21 - Last day to register. Any student who has not registered by this date will be assessed a $40 Late Registration Fee. January 22 - Spring 2025 classes begin. Add/Drop period begins online and in the Registrar's Office. January 28 - Add/Drop ends for full semester, 1st half, and 1st mini courses. After this date, all schedule adjustments (add/drop) for these parts of term will result in a $20 late fee. “W” grades are assigned for dropping a courses after this date. After this date, all Individual Course Enrollment, Independent Study, Internship, and Teaching Assistantship forms (3 s.h. or more) will result in a $20 late fee. February 4 - Last day to add a full semester course.