Bias incidents can be very upsetting to not only the targeted person but also to the whole community. There are many offices on campus that can help by providing support to individuals and by providing community-based educational programs.
Counseling Center
101 Counseling, Health & Wellness Center
M-F 8 am-4:30
Gender & Sexuality Resource Center
Hunt Union
Accessibility Resources
133 Milne Library
Mon - Fri: 8am - 4:30pm
Office of Equity and Inclusion
135 Netzer Administration Building
607-436-2830 or 607-436-2835
Student Conduct Officer
119 Netzer Administration Building
Web resources for support
The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) and the International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) have launched a mobile web site that enables law enforcement officers to quickly and easily access ADL's expert information on hate symbols, international terrorist symbols, and hate crime indicators from anywhere using their handheld mobile devices.
Support resources for LGBT people who have experienced bias incidents.