Standing Faculty Committees are a part of shared governance at SUNY Oneonta. Based on the university bylaws, these committees operate within the framework of accepted policy, and have the responsibility and power to study problems within their jurisdictions, consult, recommend actions, present draft policy statements, and recommend position designations.
Committees are required to meet at least once per year, hold open meetings, distribute meeting minutes to the faculty, and present a yearly report to the Senate. See the university bylaws for specific duties and requirements.
Note: Not all campus committees are Standing Faculty Committees, as designated by the bylaws. Please see the “Other Faculty Committees” tab for more information about these groups.
Standing Faculty Committees
Chair: Leigh Fall (Earth & Atmospheric Sciences)
Vice-Chair: Reece Allen (Human Ecology)
Secretary: (Rotated weekly)
Subcommittee Chairs
- New Course Review: Fred Zalatan (Biology)
- Sustainability: Barbara Durkin (Business)
- Service Learning: Ann Fradkin-Hayslip (Elementary Education and Reading)
- Existing Course Review: Alejandra Escudero (Foreign Languages & Literatures)
- Distance Education Review: Ed Beck (Faculty Center)
Committee Charge:
- Carry on a continuous study of undergraduate degree-granting programs and curricular and degree requirements of these programs.
- Inform the faculty on curriculum matters within such programs.
- Review proposals for additions, deletions, and modifications to all undergraduate curricula.
- Study ways of evaluating all phases of these curricula.
Committee Makeup:
- One voting member designated by each academic department or program; one voting member from the Library Faculty; and two voting students designated by the Student Senate.
- The Vice-President for Academic Affairs; the Deans of academic divisions; one representative from areas responsible for transfer credit evaluation, and one representative from Academic Advisement shall be eligible to participate as ex-officio voting members.
- The Curriculum Committee shall interact and consult by liaison with other relevant committees as necessary, especially the General Education Committee.
Curriculum Committee minutes can be found here.
The Library Committee shall
- assist the Library Director and SUNY Oneonta Library Faculty in guiding the development and growth of the SUNY Oneonta library, in formulating policy for use of the library, and in allocating library funds to be spent in academic areas;
- serve as liaison to the faculty, students, and community; and
- consist of the Library Director and Library Faculty, one member from each academic department (chosen by the department), and two student representatives designated by the Student Senate and confirmed by the Faculty Senate.
For more information contact Library Committee Chair Trudy Thomas-Smith (
Library Committee
Chair — Trudy Thomas-Smith, Chemistry and Biochemistry
The Committee on Student Life shall:
- be concerned with policies, programs, issues, and services that affect the quality of student life and the campus environment of SUNY Oneonta;
- make recommendations concerning student life policies; and
- consist of five Faculty members elected by the Faculty-at-large, an ex-officio non-voting member chosen from the Student Affairs Division staff by the Vice President for Student Affairs, and five student representatives designated by the Student Senate and confirmed by the University Senate.
2023-2024 Membership (term expiration date)
Elected Faculty Members
- Chloe Diamond-Lenow, Women's and Gender Studies (2026)
- Elyssa Stoddard, Mathematics Education (2026)
- Maria Solis Bonilla, Accessibility Resources (2027)
- Howard Ashford, Africana &latinx Studies (2025)
- Kim Fierke, Sport & Exercise Science (2026)
Student Members
The Committee on Public Events shall:
- propose a well-rounded program of public events in keeping with desirable cultural and educational standards by distributing funds made available to the committee;
- develop standards for the guidance of groups presenting public events funded by the committee;
- produce an annual campus/community event to increase their positive interaction; and
- consist of five Faculty members elected by the Faculty-at-large, the President of SUNY Oneonta or his/her representative and the person responsible for community relations, and two student representatives designated by the Student Senate and confirmed by the University Senate.
2023-2024 Membership (term expiration date)
Faculty Members
- Andrew Bottomley, Communication and Media (2027)
- Bethany Marx, Theatre (2027)
- Maria Chavez Daza, ALS (2027)
- Robert Sulman, Math, Comp. Sc. & Stat. (2026)
- Oscar Oberkircher, Human Ecology (2026)
President of SUNY Oneonta or designee
Community relations designee
Student Members
Antonio Buonsante
For more information visit the Committee on Public Events Website
The Faculty Business Committee shall
- solicit nominations for Standing Faculty Committees and Faculty Positions;
- conduct elections for Standing Faculty Committee memberships, Faculty Officers, and other committee or subcommittee memberships as determined by the President of SUNY Oneonta or Presiding Officer of the Faculty. Requests for nominations from the voting faculty shall occur by March 15 of each year. Elections shall be completed by April 15 of each year. Voting shall be by a digital format that ensures voter anonymity;
- keep records of faculty service in elected positions; and
- consist of five faculty members elected by the Faculty.
2023-2024 Membership (term expiration date)
Chin-Wei (Wilson) Lin, Business (Secretary, 2027)
Juan Wang, Business (2026)
Graznya Kamburowska, Math, Computer Science, and Statistics (2026)
Marius Munteanu, Math, Comp.Sc, & Stat. (2025)
Juan Qin, Business (2026)
The Committee on Instruction shall:
- propose policy regarding standards for admission and retention of students;
- formulate policy for the evaluation of student academic performance;
- inform the Faculty of newer methods and technologies of teaching and recommend policy regarding their application to the academic program;
- recommend policy concerning the improvement of the academic program (e.g., the Scholars Program); and
- recommend policy regarding class attendance, extended absences, and related matters.
- consist of five Faculty members elected by the Faculty-at-large and two student representatives designated by the Student Senate and confirmed by the University Senate.
2023-2024 Members (term expiration date)
- Kimberly Cossey, Chem&Biochem (2027)
- Grazyna Kamburowska, Math, C.S, & Stat. (2027)
- Jonathan Brown, Math., Comp. Sc., & Stat. (2027)
- Alsius David, Business (chair, 2025)
- vacancy
Committee-approved resources:
Guidelines for interpreting SRFI data
(We encourage faculty to include a copy of these guidelines as a cover sheet to any SRFI data submitted for review.)
Suggested custom questions for the SRFI
Guidelines and materials for conducting quality peer reviews
The Committee on Research shall:
- study and recommend means for enhancing research among students and faculty;
- keep the faculty informed concerning sources of funds and opportunities for conducting research; and
- be charged with overseeing the faculty/student research grant program that is offered twice a year and funded by the investment income of the SUNY Oneonta Foundation’s Unrestricted Endowment, made possible through charitable gifts and grants to SUNY Oneonta.
- consist of five Faculty members elected by the Faculty-at-large and two student representatives designated by the Student Senate and confirmed by the University Senate.
2022-2023 Membership (term expiration date)
- Tracy Betsinger, Anthropology (2025)
- Junryo Watanabe, Biology (2027)
- Suriati Abas, Elementary Education and Reading (2026)
- Jerey Heilveil, Biology (2026)
- Chien-Wei (Wilson) Lin, Business (2026)
Student Members
- Aaron Paul, Adolescence education and History
- Christina Roggenkamp, Dietetics
For more information visit the Committee on Research Website.
The Graduate Committee shall:
- study, advocate for, and advise the Vice President for Academic Affairs on graduate activities, including policies, curricular programs, and degree requirements;
- inform the Faculty on graduate matters;
- review proposals for new graduate programs or changes in established programs and proposals for new policies or changes in established policies in order to make recommendations to the Vice President for Academic Affairs. All new graduate programs and changes in existing programs that require re-registration with SUNY Administration additionally require the approval of the University Senate;
- review credentials for Graduate Teaching Faculty status;
- evaluate graduate policies and practices; and
- consist of up to two voting graduate students (appointed by the Chair upon recommendation of the Committee), a minimum of one faculty member to be elected by and from each department with an active graduate program (the maximum number from each department to be equivalent to the number of graduate programs offered by the department), and three full-time graduate teaching faculty members to be elected by the Faculty. Except for the three committee members to be elected by the Faculty, only those who regularly teach 500/600 level courses shall be eligible for election to this committee. Any department or staff unit not represented in the voting membership may designate one non-voting observer to attend meetings and report to his/her department or unit on the Committee’s activities. Additionally the Vice President for Academic Affairs (or an appointed designee) and the Director of Graduate Studies shall serve as non-voting ex officio members of the committee.
2023-2024 Membership
Faculty-at-Large Representatives (term expiration date)
- Katherine Griffes, Sport and Exercise Studies (2027)
- Gina Solano, Secondary Education and Educational Technology (2026)
- Kai Chen, Business (2027)
Program Representatives
- Cynthia Falk, Chair, Cooperstown Graduate Program
- Jeffrey Heilveil, Biology & Lake Management
- Jennifer Bueche, Nutrition and Dietetics
- Barbara Vokatis, Literacy
- Paul Bischoff, Educational Technology
- Ying Tang, Counselor Education
- Riza Ozdemir, Special Education
- Leanne Avery, Bilingual Education
Graduate Students
- Benjamin Peterson, Biology
- India Futterman, Museum Studies
Non-voting Members
- Enrique Morales-Diaz, Provost
- Sarah Rhodes, Library Representative
First Wednesday of the month when classes are in session from 9-10am, or as needed.
The Committee On Administrative Review shall:
- be the chief body of the Senate for reviewing and evaluating administrative performance and proposed reorganizations; and
- be consulted about and represented on all search committees at the level of Dean or above.
- consist of seven Faculty members elected by the Faculty-at-large.
2023-2024 Membership (term expiration date)
- Jonathan Brown, Math., Comp. Sc., & Stat. (2027)
- Grazyna Kamburowska, Math., Comp. Sc., & Stat. (2025)
- Andrew Bottomley, Communication & Media (2025)
- Sen Zhang, Math., Comp.Sc., & Stat. (2025)
- Robert Compton, Political Science (2026)
- Melissa Allen, Financial Aid (2026)
- Diana Willis, Communication Studies (2026)
Biweekly Mondays at 2pm, in-person in IRC B-19.
The Committee on Academic Planning and Resource Allocation shall:
- review budgetary procedures and priorities for planning and resource allocation in the Presidential, Provostial, and Vice Presidential areas;
- be consulted by the Administration on these matters and on proposals for new programs;
- during the budgeting process, gather and disseminate information about the SUNY Oneonta budget and plans for resource allocation in Academic Affairs, with a focus on staffing and infrastructure. It shall act as a two-way conduit between the Faculty Senate and administration about these matters; and
- seek advice from other committees whenever appropriate.
- consist of five Faculty members elected by the Faculty-at-large.
2023-2024 Membership (term expiration date)
- Andrew Bottomley, Communication and Media (2027)
- Grazyna Kamburowska, Math., Comp.Sc., & Stat. (2027)
- William Vining, Chemistry and Biochemistry (2027)
- Bill Harcleroad, Student Life and Leadership (2025)
- Michael McAvoy, Economics (2026)
Fall 2023 Schedule of Meetings
- October 4, 9am
- November 1, 9am
- December 3, 9am
For CAPRA minutes, agendas, and other documents, go to their SharePoint site.
The Committee on Technology shall:
- study propose policy, inform the Senate, and advise the President on all matters of educational technology, computing, and electronic communication.
- consist of five Faculty members elected by the Faculty-at-large.
2023-2024 Membership (term expiration date)
- Will Walker, History (2026)
- Thomas Sakoulas, Art (2026)
- Andrew Bottomley, Communication and Media (2025)
- Xuexue Yang, Elementary Education & Reading (2025)
- Nathan M. Asman, Music (2027)
The Committee for Part-time Faculty Concerns shall
- advocate for part-time faculty concerns;
- communicate with other campus groups on part-time concerns; and
- consist of five faculty members elected by the faculty-at-large, of which three must have part-time status. If a part-time committee member shall become a full-time faculty member of SUNY Oneonta, that seat shall be declared vacant.
2023-2024 Membership (term expiration date)
- vacancy
- Apurva Apurva (2025)
- Jeffrey Heilveil, Biology (2026)
- Chloe Diamond-Lenow, Women's and Gender Studies (2026)
- Diana Willis, Communication & Media (Adjunct) (2026)
The General Education Committee shall
- carry on a continuous study of all aspects of the General Education curriculum and of transfer issues related to that curriculum at SUNY Oneonta;
- inform the faculty on issues related to that core curriculum and those transfer issues;
- stay current on SUNY requirements and other relevant trends that might affect SUNY Oneonta's core curriculum;
- be the first committee to review curricular proposals for additions, deletions, and modifications to the General Education curricula, including proposals for new programs. These shall be considered by this committee with regard to their impact on General Education curricula and transfer issues related to General Education. This committee shall report to the University Senate on the disposition of any General Education curricular proposals it receives;
- interact and report by liaison with other relevant committees as necessary, including the Curriculum and Instruction committees.
- consist of one voting member from each attribute category (SUNY and campus specific) elected by the Faculty;
- include representatives from Admissions, Academic Advisement, the Registrar’s office, and the Library Faculty;
- the Vice-President for Academic Affairs and the Deans of the academic schools shall be eligible to participate as ex-officio, non-voting members of the General Education Committee.
2023-2024 Membership (term expiration date)
- Roberto Rincon, Africana and Latinx Studies, DEISJ (2026)
- Mary Lynn Bensen, Library, Information Literacy (2027)
- Suzanne Black, English, Written Communication (2026)
- Xuexue Yang, Elementary Education & Reading, World Languages (2027)
- April Harper, History, Red Dragon Seminar (2026)
- Vacancy, Oral Communication (2027)
- Ryan Ross Smith, Arts, Arts (2027)
- Shahin Kachwala, Women's and Gender Studies - Global Literacy (2026)
- Michael Koch, Philosophy, Critical Thinking and Reasoning (2027)
- Chelsea McCracken, Comm. & Media, Humanities (2025)
- Gina Keel, Political Science, US History and Civic Engagement (2027)
- Michael McAvoy, Economics, Social Sciences(2027)
- Vacancy, Natural Sciences
- Vacancy, World History and Global Awareness
- Jayleen Wangle, Math., C.S. & Stat., Quantitative Reasoning (2026)
- Admissions: Still to be determined
- Academic Advisement: JoAnne Murphy
- Registrar: Maureen Artale
- Library: Mary Lynn Benson, Milne Library
- Curriculum Committee Liaison: to be determined
Ex-Officio (non voting):
- Academic Affairs: Eileen Morgan-Zayachek, Associate Provost
- Academic Deans: Elizabeth Dunn, Dean, School of Liberal Arts and Business
The Academic Calendar Committee shall
- establish SUNY Oneonta’s academic calendar with the interest of the students, faculty, and staff in mind;
- be a joint faculty-administration committee consisting of the Vice President for Academic Affairs (or his/her designee), the Vice President for Student Affairs (or his/her designee), the Vice President for Finance & Administration (or his/her designee), the Vice President for University Advancement (or his/her designee), the Presiding Officer of the Faculty, the Alternate Presiding Officer of the Faculty, the President of the Student Association, and five full-time teaching Faculty members elected by the Faculty-at-large. The University Registrar shall participate as an ex-officio non-voting member of the Calendar Committee and have the duty of constructing calendar options for review by the Committee.
- be chaired by the Vice President for Academic Affairs;
- meet at least once a year, with timely drafted minutes distributed to the Faculty-at-large; and
- forward its recommendations directly to the President of SUNY Oneonta for eventual approval.
2023-2024 Elected Members (term expiration date)
- Greg Hummel, Communication and Media(2025)
- Bill Ashbaugh, History (2026)
- Jeffrey Heilveil, Biology (2026)
- Anita Levine, Elementary Ed. and Reading (2026)
- Fred Zalatan, Biology (2026)
Other Faculty Committees
2023-2024 Members (term expiration date)
To be added
2023-2024 Members (term expiration date)
- Oscar Oberkircher, Human Ecology (2024)
- Cindy Lehr, Facilities, Safety and Physical Plant (2027)
2023-2024 Members (term expiration date)
- Maureen Artale, Registrar (2026)
- Kim Fierke, Sport and Exercise Sciences (2026)
- Bianca Tredennick, English (chair, 2026)
This policy provides the terms and conditions under which a student may seek resolution to a claim that a specific academic decision or action has affected the student’s academic record or status, and has:
- violated published policies and procedures,
- been applied to the student (the grievant) in a manner different from that used for other students, or
- resulted in the assignment of a final grade for the course that is not consistent with the criteria for determining grades as described in the course syllabus.
Policy Elaboration & Procedure
The Policy Elaboration and Procedure can be found in the SUNY Oneonta Policy Library.
2023-2024 Members (term expiration date)
- Yoko Takagi, Psychology (2027)
- Bethany Marx, English (2027)
- Laura Munteanu, Math., Comp. Sc. and Stat. (2025)
- Bianca Tredennick, English (2027)
Committee Charge:
The University Assessment Advisory Council will serve in an advisory capacity to the President’s Cabinet, university governance, faculty and staff by collaborating with areas across the institution to enrich the quality and effectiveness of institutional assessment practices. This committee will also serve the critical function of synthesizing assessment reports, making connections to strategic initiatives, and providing recommendations based on the assessment findings.
The Academic Assessment Committee and Student Experience Assessment Committee make up the two sub-committees.
Committee Member Selection:
Eight members. The Provost appoints four members, one from each School. The faculty elect four members
Length of Committee Service:
Members of the Committee shall have a term of three years. Terms shall be staggered to ensure continuity.
2024-2025 Members (term expiration date, selection method)
- Simona Giura, Business (25/26, Provost)
- Katie Griffes, Sports and Exercise Science (24/25, Faculty)
- Kpoti Kitissou, Economics, Finance and Accounting (26/27, Provost)
- Michael McAvoy, Economics (24/25, Faculty)
- Emily Riddle, Human Ecology, (25/26, Faculty)
- Matthew Unangst, History (24/25, Faculty)
- Nicole Waid, Secondary Ed , 24/25 (sabbatical, Provost) replaced with Wen Wen, Education 24/25
- Jennifer Withington, Biology (chair, 26/27, Provost)
At-Large Part-Time Teaching Faculty Representative
These representatives attend University Senate meetings as voting members. They consult with other Part-time Teaching Faculty as necessary.
2023-2024 (terms expire)
- Vacancy
- Vacancy
- Kimberly Cossey, Chemistry and Biochemistry (2027)
- Kirsten Robbins, Elementary Education and Reading (2027)
- Summer Cunningham, Communication and Media Studies (2025)
- Brett Heindl, Political Science (2025)
- Miranda Kearney, Biology (2025)
- Katie Griffes, Sport and Exercise Science (2026)
- Vacancy (2026)