SUNY Oneonta Student Researchers
SUNY Oneonta Student Researchers

PRODiG ("Promoting Recruitment, Opportunity, Diversity, Inclusion and Growth") aims to increase the representation of historically underrepresented faculty at SUNY including underrepresented minority ("URM") faculty in general and women faculty of all races in STEM fields (“WSTEM”). Increasing the representation of faculty members who understand, and have overcome, race- and gender-based barriers and biases is important to the success and well-being of our students.


Faculty Diversity - The PRODiG initiative seeks to significantly increase URM and WSTEM in SUNY’s faculty. SUNY Oneonta is making progress in hiring more diverse faculty, but success is uneven. The disparity between URM faculty and URM students has negative impacts on students’ ability to learn from diverse faculty, which especially negatively impacts the success of our URM students.

Academic Careers - The PRODiG initiative supports a more robust pipeline for URM/WSTEM students interested in academic careers. SUNY Oneonta has the lowest level of non-white students as a percentage of the total student body of any comparable SUNY comprehensive college, even as this group is becoming increasingly crucial for the pool of potential future undergraduates, graduates, and academics. Only about 3% of URM graduates plan to attend graduate school following graduation from SUNY Oneonta. URM students require role models and mentors and better foundational knowledge about academia to prepare them for graduate school and careers in academia.

Progress Toward Goals

The revised measurable PRODiG goals for SUNY Oneonta focus on four primary areas of concern, with accompanying action steps to be pursued toward achievement of the stated goals.

  1. Faculty Hiring. Increase the percentage of URM/ WSTEM faculty to mirror the percentage of student URM/WSTEM at SUNY Oneonta (based on current percentages: 23% URM, 13% WSTEM).
  2. Faculty Development, Success, and Retention. Retain 75% of current URM/WSTEM faculty and future URM/WSTEM hires through their continuing appointments.
  3. Pipeline Building. Increase the percentage of URM students attending graduate school by a minimum of 8% (from ~3% in 2018) and WSTEM students attending graduate school by a minimum of 15% (from 7% in 2018).
  4. Campus Climate. Improve the campus climate for diversity, equity, and inclusion in line with PRODiG goals and initiatives as measured by analysis of responses to various categories of the Campus Climate Survey (April 2016 survey to updated survey); and by percentage increase of individuals and departments/offices participating in PRODiG-related programming year-to-year.
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