Drupal Editor Checklist

Use this checklist to make sure you are following best practices when editing the website.

Note: if you don't see the 'Edit' tab for a page you know you are responsible for, clear your browser's cache and reload the page


  • Use heading styles to build an outline for website visitors
  • Heading 2 is for main topics, Heading 3 is for subtopics. Headings 4-6 are used less frequently to break topics down further
  • Headings must be used in order

More on headings


  • Bulleted lists - group a set of related items that do not have a sequence
  • Ordered lists - lists items that must be in a specific order

More on lists


  • After copying and pasting content from another source onto your page, highlight it and click the 'Remove Format' icon (Tx)

More on removing formatting


  • Check the 'Files Listing' tab prior to uploading an image to see if it has already been uploaded to the website
  • Images uploaded to the website should be 100KB or less in file size and have a logical filename
  • Check alternative text for images to ensure it is descriptive of what is happening in the image

More on images


  • Be sure linked text is short and concisely describes where the link goes. Avoid vague phrases such as "click here," "learn more," etc.
  • When linking to a Drupal webpage, try typing its title in the URL field, and selecting the page from the list of options. If the correct page isn't in the list, copy and paste the portion of the URL after "https://suny.oneonta.edu," (i.e. /academic-advisement), and then select the page from the list of options

More on linking

If you have a question or run into an issue while editing, email webmaster@oneonta.edu. We're always happy to help.

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